I dont know what to say....

chris , thanks its hard for me not working and accepting donations is hard sometimes but i know its coming form friends that are here to just lend a helping hand man. thanks for words of encourgment.
You'll have an opportunity to help someone else in the future. For now, your gracious reception of other's generosities will serve you well. Later, you can help someone else when you're flush again.

Keep your head up T-life throws all kinds of obstacles at us, but how you choose to handle them is what separates the weak from strong.
Be strong for your family bro-THIS family will be strong for you:beerchug:

My prayers go out to you bro-the light is not that far away, the tunnel just looks longer from this funny angle...yeah, thats the ticket:thumbsup: *made ya smile a lil, dint I?*
In my life experience, which isn't all that long.....life throws you twists and turns. You can't just get off your busa and say,"I give up!". You need to buckle down, crank the throttle, put the knee down and ride those twists and turns like you were born to! If you happen to fall, the .org will be there for you, to help you up and say,"try again, man!"
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I've been outta the loop for so long that I have a lot of catching up to do. Dumb question but what happened, Tito???