I got it running---good grief!



baby blue has been down since yesterday AM installing 1mm bored/cleaned up throttlebodies(by themotorhead) and swapping out the 2 short stacks for longs.
Well, folks, I just almost crapped my pants when I whacked it in 2nd going around a stupid cage---the GDAMM THING STOOD STRAIGHT UP!!!!!! I wasn't revving 2K, for cripes sake! IT_WENT_CRAZY. You want bottom end like you're really a sicko? YOU SURE? Do this;

4-2-1 carbon race pipe(just not yosh)
themotorhead full airbox mod
PC2 w/ 007HARV map
ALL long stacks
cleaned up throttlebodies from der doctormotorhead.
lowered 3"(yeah it stood straight up, 3" down me all on the tank)

It's gonna scare the crap outta ya, I guarantee---gotta go do it again!!!

Dennis you're a freaking genius.
Hey 'lanta, when you speak of "stacks", are you referring to velocity stacks? Performance improvement? Where do you get them? Need more input...
Stacks inside the airbox, velocity stacks to be correct---longies are good for bottom end, shorts are good for top end, that's why they give ya 2 each--best 'a both worlds, get it?
I took a BUTTLOAD of pics I'm sending to MartinM2 to post on his page, but right now I;m not dealing with you geeks for an hour, I gotta go PLAY before it get's dark. I'll be back(i hope?)

:) themotorhead is a damm bike genius, I salute you dude.
I talked to Lee Shierts about this last year.He stated that this mod is good for about 2 to 3 horsepower.How about also Milling the butterflys and the butterfly screws to also increase flow.
Your saying when you whack the throttle in 2nd gear below 2000 rpm's that your bike stands straight up?? Come on 'lanta,your nose is growing.
I was decelerating down and whacked the throttle at somewhere around 2K, believe what you want

[This message has been edited by 'lantabusa (edited 08 July 2000).]

[This message has been edited by 'lantabusa (edited 08 July 2000).]
Hey Dennis, Whats the cost on boring the throttle bodies and smoothen them out?

How bout turn around time?

Whats the realistic horsepower gain?