Gotcha BS! My check ride guy, who's actually been a friend for a while: he was my husband's flight instructor, said that this is just a license to learn. There are going to be other places you'll fly to and different runways and you'll become more experienced and better. So that made me feel better. I'm just glad that I get to go home now!
You have taken me back about 25 years and what seems like a hundred checkrides.

Congrats!! Keep up the learning and start to work on that Instrument rating next. That is one which is even more rewarding (to me) than the private.

Good job!!
So who did you pay off for that license
. Way to go Jess. Now get your butt over to your husband. Drink one for me.
, Congrats girl
Excellent job! Congratulations on your accomplishment?

Looking forward to those pics of you as a beach bum.. Hope they are like the one next to the Viper.
Congrats and I know you will become a great pilot. What was you job in the Navy? I am a retired Parachute Rigger.
Thanks! I was an OS, soon to be (maybe) AME in the reserves and then hopefully navy pilot.

Love the cheerleader smilie Dawn! I think we need some admin guys/gals to add more emoticons to our collection!
Congrats and I know you will become a great pilot. What was you job in the Navy? I am a retired Parachute Rigger.
Thanks! I was an OS, soon to be (maybe) AME in the reserves and then hopefully navy pilot.

Love the cheerleader smilie Dawn! I think we need some admin guys/gals to add more emoticons to our collection!
Ame, I believe that is a PR want-a-be... lol I retired from the Navy and then from the Human Systems Branch at Patuxent River MD as a Civil Servant, where Test Pilot school is. What platform would you like to fly in the Navy?
