okay...lemme get this straight here...am I to understand that yamahor bought pipefighters busa and pipefighter sold his busa to yamahor because his better 1/2 got preg'ers?
I mean...at least that would explain all the queer pix...a little...as I myself went bikeless (for the first time in my adult/adolescent life) when I got laid off with wifey 6 months preg'ers with our first child...and that was 3 kids ago...and they was some dark days for daddy....looooong dark days indeed...saddlebags turned into diaper bags and bottle bags...riding gear turned into "child safety seats"....saturday morning rides only headed down sesame street...the only "DRAGON" I knew of was "Barney".....I knew it was really bad when I was the only guy in the shop that got upset if "we had the weekend off"....and for a while there it seemed that vascectomy or suicide were my only viable options...be brave pipefighter...your days of atonement are about to commence...as the only curves that I veiw as dangerouse and "Life Threatening" anymore are usually hidden under a skirt...but not dangerous enough for me to take a dirt bike ride up brokeback mountain!
May God Be With You and...L8R, Bill.