I guess it was my turn to go down

the humanity! I think rain is about 10 times more dangerous than we give it credit for, gets allot of peeps :whistle: Our friend Mr. Traction gets hosed down & look out. Pricey fixes, too bad fairings can't be made of super ball material.
I had an O5 just like yours and crashed it also. I have a few odd parts left over from those days but nothing you listed. I do have a new fairing stay but doesn't look like you need one. I still have the muffler off the bike but it has one corner ground down from the crash.

Glad you weren't hurt man!
Thanks a bunch everyone! I know there are a bunch of good people on here, its been a while but i used to ride with some of you guys (and girls). Here is a list of what ive come up with so far

Whole tail section (tabs are broken off on the right side)
Right fairing
Foot brake lever
Hand brake lever (already bough new one)
Bar ends (already bought new)
New exhaust
New ignition button (the red one on the right, its scratched)
New right mirror (scratched)
Front fairing (dont have to have but it has a few scrapes on it)
New front tire (the reason for the wreck)
New helmet

I think thats about it. I just need to find a reasonable price on a clip on so i can at least get back to riding. Oh, and just a side note, a complete stranger stopped and i noticed a big S on his back window....said he had a trailer and just lived a few minutes away. He returned about 5 mins later with a trailer to help me take it home....I asked what he rides and he has an 08 Orange and Black Busa, and i believe he said the 04 Limited...TURBO! Not sure if hes on here, but Wes, if you are, i appreciate it man!! Thanks again! :bowdown:

Don't forget your worthless frame slider. Going to replace that!? :whistle:

How cool that a fellow rider came along & helped. :thumbsup:

Glad your ok man. Hope you get her up and running again ASAP.
(I'm guessing your posting this via mobile means you couldn't get your fingers on all the right keys to say, "Glad this wasn't worse!") :thumbsup:

Anyway, sorry to hear about this BK. Hopefully you'll have a quick recovery. I can't really see your right clip on stuff to tell what you need. Is it just the bar?...or more? Maybe post a list of all the parts you need (maybe in classifieds?) and see what turns up. Lot's of good, good people here to help you out, but I'm gonna guess you already know that! :beerchug:

Yeah I screwed up. I should have been "wasn't" :banghead:
Took a pic of my helmet...good thing i was wearing it!

glad your okay, lots of these stories poking up, getting a little scary.

btw what is the exact reason for a frame slider again?
I think if it werent for the frame slider, i would be replacing an engine cover and would have probably been leaking some fluids. Given the speed that i went down, i think the fairings could have been a whole lot worse!!
I think if it werent for the frame slider, i would be replacing an engine cover and would have probably been leaking some fluids. Given the speed that i went down, i think the fairings could have been a whole lot worse!!

No response about the rest of your gear?
I dont like to hear about anybody crashing.

Sorry too hear this.Crashing sucks.

All the best to you in the rebuild of bike,body,and head.
