Thanks a bunch everyone! I know there are a bunch of good people on here, its been a while but i used to ride with some of you guys (and girls). Here is a list of what ive come up with so far
Whole tail section (tabs are broken off on the right side)
Right fairing
Foot brake lever
Hand brake lever (already bough new one)
Bar ends (already bought new)
New exhaust
New ignition button (the red one on the right, its scratched)
New right mirror (scratched)
Front fairing (dont have to have but it has a few scrapes on it)
New front tire (the reason for the wreck)
New helmet
I think thats about it. I just need to find a reasonable price on a clip on so i can at least get back to riding. Oh, and just a side note, a complete stranger stopped and i noticed a big S on his back window....said he had a trailer and just lived a few minutes away. He returned about 5 mins later with a trailer to help me take it home....I asked what he rides and he has an 08 Orange and Black Busa, and i believe he said the 04 Limited...TURBO! Not sure if hes on here, but Wes, if you are, i appreciate it man!! Thanks again!