Sleeper, that is a very nice thing you did there helping people out the way you do. Some of us have just been burned a few to many times.You are a verry outstanding person and I applaud you for that. Glad he finally responded but it is preety lousy to make you wait that long for a response after you sent him it for free and didnt hesatate to help him. Any one would have unerstood his reason. You are a true gentalman. People like you are what makes this family so great.
Thanks to you too, Slngshott. I appreciate it.
I know what you're saying. Waited 8 months before he finally told me what happened. But that's alright. At least now I know. As soon as I saw his reply this morning, I sent him a PM not to worry about the money. I'm glad I could help.
You know what? I really don't mind helping other people. I'm not ashamed to tell the .org that I'm the same way at home. The only thing I don't do is cook. I just don't like cooking. I do our laundry, dishes, clean the get the picture. If I catch my wife doing something like the dishes, I tell her not to worry about it. If you asked her when was the last time she went to the laundry room, she probably doesn't remember. I do all that on top of working 8-12 hours a day.
Tomorrow, I'm sending my stock left mirror to another member that broke his. I was going to send it to him last week but my daughter was sick all week. She didn't go to school from last Tuesday until last Friday. That's the only reason why I couldn't send it to him. It will go out first thing Monday morning.