(BA BUSA @ Jul. 12 2007,07:09) You are so fugged
Ain't it GREAT...congrats man
Tim,(georgiabusa_05 @ Jul. 11 2007,22:36) Congrats Kevin. I cant wait to see you on the track on the new R1. Let me know when you are at RA and I will try to come down there.
With my weight...340lbs, a trip to Traxxion Dynamics will be needed. I foresee a Ohlins shock and a revalve/respring in the front in my future.(cosmo @ Jul. 12 2007,00:27) Dialing in the front has been the biggest problem. My advice is to go straight to a pro AT THE TRACK. The rear is surprisingly good with the stock shock on the 06 but I understand the 05 is not.
I have known the McCoy's for many years. Great bunch of people there and yes I already have some Graves products on the way from them.(Revvv @ Jul. 12 2007,01:04) I forsee a future involving the McCoy boys over at www.tobefast at some point. They are Yammie nuts.
Did you keep the Busa or did you go Yammie all the way?
Hope we can get that nailed down soon.(snakeyezzz @ Jul. 12 2007,18:02) That is awesome Kevin. Now you can really make the track day for Glenn, just watch out for turn 1 at Jennings.
Ever since I attended my 1st one 2 or so years ago, I am addicted. It seems there is no cure for this addiction. One can only hope to feed the burning desire to be on a track.
It all started at Road Atlanta where I was the Fatt Kidd running a Busa in a world on 600 and 750's. But, Life is Good!
Vman, I just called Road Atlanta and they told me that they don't do track days for motorcycles anymore. Did I talk to the wrong person? If they don't, is there somewhere else that you do your track days at? I'm in the Athens, GA area.
Will do, just noticed the original date of the thread.:huh2:This is a old thread, send Kevin a PM