I do teach art, all grades K-12 as well as a short stint at the college level which I enjoyed a great deal. I'm just an expert on art, not history. Early Childhood teachers are well educated people even though they teach students at the earliest level of development in school. You have a habit of making direct insults or trying to do so. This doesn't put you in a very good light to criticize anyone else's intelligence.Damn Sam, the south was obviously NOT the “USA”. Americans yes, but quite obviously not part of the USA as they were fighting for the Confederate States of America. And as such were enemies of the USA, very much (unlike) a black American flying a flag from Africa, from who we’ve never been attacked. You must ‘teach’ pre school or something. Certainly not higher education.
That is a good point about the Confederacy being America's enemy. Apparently they declared war on the North because their secession was not recognized by the Union. Still, if somebody wants to fly a Confederate flag or any flag, they may do so. They may not own slaves or secede from the USA. That is why the secession of these so called autonomous zones is so ridiculous.
BTW, you might want to edit that openning comment, the South was fighting the Union not the Confederate States of America. Easy transposition. No big deal.