I hope this is not a repost. I found it hilarious!

Black And White What GIF by Laff

Pray Granny WINS *
As for sepo, that's an term of endearment, refereeing to "separatists", not in anyway to be offensive but to distinguish you from the rest of the
Sure it’s not short for septic tank? Which rhymes with Yank and implies Americans stink? You of all people using the term and then immediately backpedaling with the terms endearment and the phrase “not be offensive” gave me pause.

You seem to have a similar taste to mine in terms of jokes! :p
That could be it? It could be just a biker thing too, all these are looted off another forum lol. Some off imgar but that site is a pain to go to now because the wokester politics has taken over. The only derogatory posts allowed there are the ones about Trump. It might as well be the NYT.

On another forum, a good one, a dedicated bike model forum like this, I was chastised for saying "taking a dump when I hear of a new problem..." and had my "privileges limited too" whatever that means lol. I hardly ever went there anymore and the new model has been a reliability disaster, I was just pointing it out. Touchy mods. I won't be back. I owned a ZZR1100 when the new ZZR1200 came out. it was a loser too but everyone pretended it was great, until Kawasaki canned it after 2 years. The ZX14 was a winner of course. Lying to yourself is one thing but when you go on a forum and lie to everyone else HaHaha.
That could be it? It could be just a biker thing too, all these are looted off another forum lol. Some off imgar but that site is a pain to go to now because the wokester politics has taken over. The only derogatory posts allowed there are the ones about Trump. It might as well be the NYT.

On another forum, a good one, a dedicated bike model forum like this, I was chastised for saying "taking a dump when I hear of a new problem..." and had my "privileges limited too" whatever that means lol. I hardly ever went there anymore and the new model has been a reliability disaster, I was just pointing it out. Touchy mods. I won't be back. I owned a ZZR1100 when the new ZZR1200 came out. it was a loser too but everyone pretended it was great, until Kawasaki canned it after 2 years. The ZX14 was a winner of course. Lying to yourself is one thing but when you go on a forum and lie to everyone else HaHaha.
Yeah, some people need new adjectives for how off the wall bonkers they are. This forum is really rare and super chill. When I was a newbie in 2022, no one ever made me feel like an outsider.

Every one included me like I was part of the clan, and that hasn't changed in the two years I've been here with new members. This forum has zero toxicity compared to the rest. I hope it never changes.

Even thread necromancy here is a practice, and no one ever points it out. The conversation keeps going like nothing. :P I've been the only one to post a joke about it. I don't know what it is, but people here, even who I could say is unlikable based on his posts, behave differently.

On the other side of the spectrum, Reddit and Facebook are a total cesspool. It's mind-bogglingly abundant of toxic, clinically crazy people. I even started making fun of vegans out of frustration for their toxicity. I stopped that low. I don't make fun of people...ever.
New White House Doctor Sadly Informs Biden Only Cure For COVID Is Euthanasia

New White House Doctor Sadly Informs Biden Only Cure For COVID Is Euthanasia
POLITICS·Jul 18, 2024 ·


WASHINGTON, D.C. — Washington sources report that the White House received "a real downer of a prognosis" yesterday after Dr. Pillary Schminton informed President Biden that the only known cure for COVID is euthanasia.

Dr. Schminton, who received formal training in Canada, said that — despite the seeming cruelty of it all — euthanasia is the only responsible choice for treating the President's terrible case of COVID-19.

"I'm so sorry to say, this is totally fatal," Dr. Schminton reportedly said. "The only thing we have left to do is keep the poor fellow comfortable and inject him with morphine until he just slips quietly into the sweet embrace of dropping out of the race, er, I mean, death."
According to White House insiders, the top Democrat leaders who had hired Dr. Schminton were utterly shocked by the diagnosis.

"What? Oh no," gasped Vice-President Kamala Harris, as a cackle tugged at the corners of her mouth. "Euthanasia? No, Joe! We've got to do it! I'm so sorry old buddy…we've been through so much together! I'll miss you so dearly!"

Reports say that Dr. Jill Biden attempted to use her Doctorate of Education to offer a second opinion, but she was quickly hustled out of the White House and into an unmarked black SUV before she could give a comment. President Biden was unavailable for comment, as he was being forcibly quarantined.

At publishing time, Democrat leaders had Dr. Schminton hard at work putting together a certificate of death to release after the president's COVID treatment was completed.
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