I just dont get it.....

I call this The Recycling Of Money Effect.

The private sector works to make money, a profit. The private sector is taxed on the money it makes.

The Government uses that taxed money to fund Government programs. From the President, Congress, States, Police forces, Welfare, Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, National Guard, FBI, CIA, NASA, Colleges, hospitals, EPA and so on.
Anything Government, comes from the Taxes paid by the Private Sector.

If I am wrong, PLEASE let me know. PLEASE. As far as I know, nothing the Government does makes a profit. No Government Programs make a profit. If I am wrong let me know. PLEASE.

The Government issues out tax money and this tax money is used to pay salaries to Government workers. Government workers pay a recycled tax on money paid in by the private sector.

There is only so much money that the private sector can pay to sustain the Government. the Government continues to grow by leaps and bounds. More and more is asked from the private sector. The private sector is shrinking. The effects of Over Government has reared its head. Government has been warned but refuses to pay attention. At the rate of spending, and the speed of growth of Government programs, it is all going to come crashing down. Brace yourselves for the fall of The Greatest Country the world has ever known.

The only thing to stop this fall is the American people. And they are too consumed in their lives to keep what is theirs, I got mine how about you attitude? We have a short time to turn this ship around or it will sink. The Tea Party has the idea.

Those that sit at home on their fannies, those that get freebies, those that get WONDERFUL retirements, those that work and do not make a profit, do not want change.

I will give you an example of MEGA freebies. My wife works for Government. 16 years service= $500,000 in retirement, she will work for another 10 years. She put $3,500 into her retirement. Hahahahaha, TOP THAT. We are doomed. How much longer do you think this crap can continue?
The Government's purpose is to provide services, not supplant private enterprise as there is no business that can compete with an entity that prints it's own money yet provides such incompetence and inefficiency. IF the government was a business it would have been gone a long time ago, yet it continues to bail itself out by borrowing money and paying it back with the money they print. We as a country have to decide what level of service we want provided and what we are willing to pay for it. We have been digging our own hole for decades and now we get to lie in it. The key is to get out of it as gently as possible, as a REAL crash, a real WORLDWIDE crash (cause if we go, everyone else does) could lead to some real violence. We've got to get on the Dave Ramsey plan QUICK.
[UQUOTE=Big Bo;2739185]
The only thing to stop this fall is the American people. And they are too consumed in their lives to keep what is theirs, I got mine how about you attitude?

You said a mouthful right there!

The American people as a whole have come to think they have a "right" to a certain lifestyle simply because they are American. No one, including Washington, is willing to make the sacrifices in their lifestyle that it is going to take to change our current path. It is simply not in our nature nor in the nature of a democracy. The US is following the historical model for a democracy and sadly like all the rest is doomed.
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The following is not mine and I am sure most here have heard or seen it before. It is a good read and says a lot about our current state.

Rarely have democracies survived beyond 200 years. Why do democracies fail? Two of the major reasons are: 1) democracies generally progress through an initial period from bondage to spiritual faith escalating to the point where the citizens become totally dependent on the government to where they eventually revert back to bondage, and 2) once the democracy shows signs of prosperity, citizens vote themselves generous bounties from the public treasury. Does this not sound familiar? Is democracy only a temporary and marred refuge until social engineers miraculously discover the ultimate solution? Democracy, or the form used in the United States and most advanced countries, representative democracy or a republic, seems to be the best method social engineers have concocted to date to afford people an opportunity to have a voice in their government. The world continues to be overrun with dictatorships, socialist governments, a few communist governments, and Islamic theocracies. We can argue the merits of democracy versus the alternatives, but at this point in history, most authorities on the subject recognize that democracy has proven to be the best solution ever tried on the planet. The United States is not the first successful democracy in the world. Over 2,500 years ago, the people of Athens, Greece created a true democratic form of government that lasted for nearly 200 years but was eventually destroyed not by the people but by a military overthrow by a powerful neighbor. On the negative side, they kept slaves in much the same manner as in the days of our fledgling democracy. The most intriguing aspect of the Athenian democracy was that the people voted directly on every issue that affected their lives. Politicians, or so-called representatives of the people, did not exist. Although the origin of the “Downfall of Democracies†is often attributed to Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor who lived in the 1700s, the origin of the material below may be attributed to Alexander Tytler, or even Arnold Toynbee, or Lord Thomas Macaulay. Whoever can lay claim to the study of democracies that had existed until that time had remarkable conclusions. He had this to say about democracy in general, “A democracy is always temporary in nature: it simple cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority will always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a dictatorship.†Does this sound familiar? With almost one-third of all Americans feeding at the public trough, its only a matter of time before everyone receives some form of benefit and henceforth, the entire country will crash and burn with most likely a military dictatorship filling the void. The professor went on to say: “The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence: q From bondage to spiritual faith; q From spiritual faith to great courq From courage to liberty; q From liberty to abundance; q From abundance to complacency; q From complacency to apathy; q From apathy to dependence; q From dependency back into bondDoes this not sound familiar! We’ve gone from being overtaxed slaves of King George of England, to a new republic that accepted any religious faith, to a wonderful new country with a brilliant constitution, to being the richest country in the world, to today over 50% of the voters are apathetic to politics, to where a major portion of Americans are literally demanding government benefits, to eventually losing all of our freedoms (just read some sections of the Patriot Act). Many people now believe that we are now at the “apathy to dependence†phase of the professor’s theory with over 30% of the nation’s population already having reached the “governmental dependency†phase. Let us not forget that during the 2004 presidential election, the candidates collectively amassed a war chest of over $2 billion. We know that the individuals, carpetbaggers, organizations and corporations don’t make these donations out of the goodness in their hearts. That’s when we, the citizens, get to take it on the chin in the form of government contracts and special legislation/bills that are decreed to reward these people for their excessive contributions. To ensure our survival, that’s the future for America –eliminate the politicians. Of course I’m advocating a radical concept but it’s time to think outside the box to save the country. With emerging technologies there is realistically no reason why within 10 to 20 years we cannot eliminate the obnoxious power of Congress and place the onus of responsibility back on the people where it belongs, by voting directly on every statewide or nationwide issue. Just watch what happens to taxes and the budget if the people are directly responsible for expenditures. Of course, the professional politicians will fight that prospect with lies and every dirty trick in the book but the American people can prevail.
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The following is not mine and I am sure most here have heard or seen it before. It is a good read and says a lot about our current state.

Rarely have democracies survived beyond 200 years. Why do democracies fail? Two of the major reasons are: 1) democracies generally progress through an initial period from bondage to spiritual faith escalating to the point where the citizens become totally dependent on the government to where they eventually revert back to bondage, and 2) once the democracy shows signs of prosperity, citizens vote themselves generous bounties from the public treasury. Does this not sound familiar? Is democracy only a temporary and marred refuge until social engineers miraculously discover the ultimate solution? Democracy, or the form used in the United States and most advanced countries, representative democracy or a republic, seems to be the best method social engineers have concocted to date to afford people an opportunity to have a voice in their government. The world continues to be overrun with dictatorships, socialist governments, a few communist governments, and Islamic theocracies. We can argue the merits of democracy versus the alternatives, but at this point in history, most authorities on the subject recognize that democracy has proven to be the best solution ever tried on the planet. The United States is not the first successful democracy in the world. Over 2,500 years ago, the people of Athens, Greece created a true democratic form of government that lasted for nearly 200 years but was eventually destroyed not by the people but by a military overthrow by a powerful neighbor. On the negative side, they kept slaves in much the same manner as in the days of our fledgling democracy. The most intriguing aspect of the Athenian democracy was that the people voted directly on every issue that affected their lives. Politicians, or so-called representatives of the people, did not exist. Although the origin of the “Downfall of Democracies†is often attributed to Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor who lived in the 1700s, the origin of the material below may be attributed to Alexander Tytler, or even Arnold Toynbee, or Lord Thomas Macaulay. Whoever can lay claim to the study of democracies that had existed until that time had remarkable conclusions. He had this to say about democracy in general, “A democracy is always temporary in nature: it simple cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority will always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a dictatorship.†Does this sound familiar? With almost one-third of all Americans feeding at the public trough, its only a matter of time before everyone receives some form of benefit and henceforth, the entire country will crash and burn with most likely a military dictatorship filling the void. The professor went on to say: “The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence: q From bondage to spiritual faith; q From spiritual faith to great courq From courage to liberty; q From liberty to abundance; q From abundance to complacency; q From complacency to apathy; q From apathy to dependence; q From dependency back into bondDoes this not sound familiar! We’ve gone from being overtaxed slaves of King George of England, to a new republic that accepted any religious faith, to a wonderful new country with a brilliant constitution, to being the richest country in the world, to today over 50% of the voters are apathetic to politics, to where a major portion of Americans are literally demanding government benefits, to eventually losing all of our freedoms (just read some sections of the Patriot Act). Many people now believe that we are now at the “apathy to dependence†phase of the professor’s theory with over 30% of the nation’s population already having reached the “governmental dependency†phase. Let us not forget that during the 2004 presidential election, the candidates collectively amassed a war chest of over $2 billion. We know that the individuals, carpetbaggers, organizations and corporations don’t make these donations out of the goodness in their hearts. That’s when we, the citizens, get to take it on the chin in the form of government contracts and special legislation/bills that are decreed to reward these people for their excessive contributions. To ensure our survival, that’s the future for America –eliminate the politicians. Of course I’m advocating a radical concept but it’s time to think outside the box to save the country. With emerging technologies there is realistically no reason why within 10 to 20 years we cannot eliminate the obnoxious power of Congress and place the onus of responsibility back on the people where it belongs, by voting directly on every statewide or nationwide issue. Just watch what happens to taxes and the budget if the people are directly responsible for expenditures. Of course, the professional politicians will fight that prospect with lies and every dirty trick in the book but the American people can prevail.
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Paragraphs please
I'm on my phone so I didn't read that whole long post, but.... The problem is that there is nothing you can do to make people care, they either do, or they don't. And for this sadly high percentage of people an even higher percent of them are the type of people that look for loop holes and or are lawsuit happy which creates way to many issues for us the people who care to properly learn about each. For example how long is the actual paperwork for the average law, covering each loop hole so the degenerates can't use the law to their advantage. The only fix I can see is to completely eliminate aid for the losers, and let natural selection go to work weeding out the weak. If that were to happen, the people could stand for what's right, but since it won't, we will be standing amongst many who are just sitting on their a$$.
Here is an example of why we have the problems in our courntry that we do... If any of us in this forum walked away from our job while there was work to do we would be fired... I am a republican because I agree more with that party than the democratic party. I however completely disagree with many of the republican ideas and sometimes agree with what a democrat is reccommending. Above all I am an AMERICAN, I believe that what we should do as citizens is what is best for our country as a whole. I could honestly care less what Russia's Putin says about the US dollar, I don't care about the Chinese market but I absolutely care about my countrymen and what we do. I will be the first person to reach out to help a person up, to go find a job or to help them however I can until they can stand up by themselves. I will not carry them year after year, as a society we have made it Okay for people to be on food stamps and get free health care instread of getting up and working...

We have been consumed with the "Financial Crisis" and both parties have told us that we need to make changes, we need to get out of debt... Our leaders walked off the job in effect leaving money on the table, so now we are told that they want to raise our taxes, how about we start with collecting the taxes that are already due...

I put no confidence in our elected officials, all of my hope is in our countrymen... Our leaders should never send money to other countries in my opinion, if money needs to be sent then let the citizens dig out of our own pockets to decide where we want charity to go, keep our congress and president cutting cost and saving dollars not throwing it away..

I will personally be sending my represenatives letters letting them know that I am completely against them walking out and leaving money on the table. They also failed those employees that are not working, including the project contruction workers...

This is why we have problems.....


Senate fails to end costly FAA shutdown - travel - News - msnbc.com
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Buy guns and ammo. Only a revolution will fix this problem...Too many entrenched ideologies and pork belly mentalities..too many self serving mouth pieces. Nothing less than a full scale revolution will fix America...It is coming...mark my words
Too many people are lookin out for number one and not givin a fawk about anyone else.
Seems like everyone has a hidden agenda. I hate that.
I guess some people don't realize that if they step on everyone else on their way to the top, nobody will be there to enjoy it with them (in which case whats the point).. not to mention the house of cards they built..
Ahhh... too old to really worry about this stuff! I vote, I'm young enough to plan retirement without the benefit of social security and hope I live a healthy life until my death. Don't know how old folks are going to fare without or with reduced medicare and medicaid. I'm probably better off than most - I know I won't be able to financially survive a serious and/or prolonged illness in old age.

I worry for my son - I'm putting money away for his retirement - only problem is the dollar is not going to be worth anything.

People are angry and afraid of the furture. No hope in looking to Washington for help. Where's Reagan with his "Best days are ahead not behind" can do attitude. Even a little Bill Clintonesque let's find the solid middle ground.

This is why I ride motorcycles and try to avoid current news. Depressing!