I know how much I have to spend on Busa

Am I too old to get financial aid ?
Um forteeee an kin still lern !
Cud yooz sum eckstra munee rat now.

III that was an excellent post .
To the op sounds like you know what your doing and gonna do.
Good luck with either way you decide to go .
That was the first thing I thought when I read the initial post. Say it out loud to yourself and then see if it still makes sense (which hopefully you'll get that it's not the wisest of decisions). I have no idea of your personal financial standing (outside of needing financial aid), so please forgive if this doesn't apply.

Save the financial aid for the things you NEED, not material things like a Hayabusa which is a good way to start yourself out behind the 8-ball. It doesn't look like things are rebounding as quickly as most expected with the economy, so there may not even be a decent job out there for you when you finish school. Even if (and more importantly) you're a 1st or 2nd yr student, there's gotta be far better things to spend financial aid on than a bike...and the top of the line one at that. Don't spend it on Taco Bell either. There are tons of things that will pop up over the next yr where that money will be more than needed for it's desired purpose. It'll be an interesting day when Sallie Mae or Freddie Mac (or whomever) comes calling for their money 2-3 months after you've graduated (8-10 times a day from what I hear), and you're still looking for a job that doesn't post your hours on a paper schedule in the breakroom less than a week in advance, and pays salary not hourly. When this happens, you better hope there's someone nearby looking to take it off your hands and save you from a big mistake. $4-5,000 doesn't sound like much (especially when there's a couple thousand leftover and you're getting it big chunks), but going off of this, it sounds like you're likely to make a few other questionable decisions with money, so it's gonna go a lot quicker than you're expecting. Once you stop getting those aid checks, you're not gonna see another $5-10,000 chunk of money like that for some time. There's a reason the overwhelming majority of members on here are 30+ and not a bunch of teens and 20 year olds and it ain't the power (no disrepect youngans)...mainly it's because these bikes are expensive!! (moreso for maintenance and upkeep).

**Looked at the profile/age of the OP after writing this**

Not sure why I took the time to say all of that when we all know people (especially younger ones) are going to do what they're going to do, regardless of outside input. If you think we're telling you this just to hate...you couldn't be more wrong. I've been there, and I'm guessing everyone else telling you the same has been there as well. Times are tough right now, and even with that being said, it shouldn't take a financial expert to tell you buying high priced (for a college student with no income) luxury items with financial aid could be one of the most ignorant and immature things you could possibly do. I remember when some of the other guys I went to school with that were also scholarship that would get their checks at the beginning of the semester. They'd be out at Best Buy getting camcorders and other high priced items, going to all the restaurants and bars, etc. Then like clockwork, at the end of the semester, you'd see them getting in fights with roommates for not having money for rent and bills. Sometimes they'd even try taking the stuff back after a couple months once they realized they were gonna be f**ked. I thank god for my parents teaching me better.

(be sure to post pics when you get it...) :rofl::rofl::rofl: sorry for the lecture

Very well said.
Ron, I have seen TONS of Gen Is for under $6K. Got a specific year/color/mileage in mind? I will send links your way if I stumble upon any that meets your criteria. Factor around $500 for transport if bike is NOT local to you.

For starters, here's an '05 with 9965 miles, $5900: 2005 SUZUKI GSX1300R HAYABUSA LTD. EDT.


Heck, go for a GENII (here's an '08, 10K miles, pipes for $7500): 2008 Hayabusa - absolutely mint - X-mas bargin


The first one you posted is what I am seeing out there. I would say a good range is $5,500 to 6,500. The Gen 2 is 25% over the $6,000 window that is a big difference for a lot of people. I could do 7 but then I would say why not do 8 or 9 then im out buying a new one lol. When I shop for bikes I do the same thing as I do for homes (realtors are infamous for creeping you up in price) I get my max I am looking to spend and I dont budge. This is the same theory i use for Vegas too lol. I am going to buy one between now and March (if I find what i am looking for) but it has to be everything I want. I appreciate the heads up and i am sure the OP would too.
why are you spending financial aid money on a busa?Aint that suppose to be for school or living expen. when your going to school?:rulez:

Hi Dragon, I work a full time job and go to school full time and my wife works. After the school gets its money i will have $4,000 left and my wife wants me to get a busa.
We do not live pay chech to pay check, we are financually stable. I work at a hospital and therefore I am going to school for Radiology. Trust me if i couldnt afford the busa i wouldnt get it.
We do not live pay chech to pay check, we are financually stable. I work at a hospital and therefore I am going to school for Radiology. Trust me if i couldnt afford the busa i wouldnt get it.

Is this GI Bill money or something? No offense but why are you getting financial aid then...? ???
Is this GI Bill money or something? No offense but why are you getting financial aid then...? ???

thats what I was thinking, and if a few hundred bucks is all your short and thats a big deal. You cant afford one. Have you got an insurance quote yet? If your buying used, there a good chance your could need tires and mabey a chain and sprockets. that could easy set you back $500
i bought my busa while i was at school aswell.. but i wasnt looking for a busa i was looking for a 04> newer r1 i used some of my finicial aid money and i had like 4k saved already like u said, i also was working full time and going to school full time.. but i guess u could say it was to help me in school cause i was going to mmi so it is related :P:rulez:
u only know how u r doing finicially if u gave away how ever much money a bike would cost would u be ok or are u spending alil bit of it every day ?
Is this GI Bill money or something? No offense but why are you getting financial aid then...? ???

I get Financial aid because the cost to cover Radiology classes is to much. With my and my wifes income together I qualify for FA. Dont hate me, hate the system.
Dude, I dont hate you. If you put your personnal bizz on a public forum be ready for people to tell you what they think, I think what your doing is BS
I would wait. No offense to the Gen I owners but ask your self, "Are you settling for a $4000 Busa because that is all you can afford right now?"

I would wait until you get out of college and then see what bike you want. If you do find one at that price just remember no one sells a bike because it runs too well.