I like to have things on the up & up

that's what the edit button is for we all make mistakes and with you running so much on here and keeping up with all of it is beyond me. don't worry about it shiat happens. I would personally like to thank you for all you do around here and also like to thank you  for what you will continue to do

 to Andy  

hey rub maybe he had a bad day, he said sorry, dont be a 10 year old skool girl and hold a grudg...suck it up man, i dont mean this in an offensive way but if you are going to be mod on this great site than your gonna have to expect and take crap like this all the time....
have a few beer's and all is good

your doin a great job and most on here(inclucding me) apreciate it a lot!

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Piss on him Rubba. I think your doing a great job!! And your entertaining to read from!! So forget about it and start refering it to "the 23 read around the world" get your chuckle and forget about his retarded statement. Maybee he was having a bad day to and typed a little more sinickle then he wanted.
You haven't developed that moderator's hard outer shell yet.

Give it time and you'll soon be as cold and ruthless as VaBusa
keep on fightin the good fight rubb, you do a kick ace job around here, keeping everything on the level with the members, even though a lot of us are just goofin off here, hell i dont even have a bike, but around here i feel like im part of the group, sharing the stoke for riding, and having a good time.  and also the availability of unbelievable amounts of information and insight from anything from bikes to politics, from iraq to america, from beer to coca cola classic, its all here, this is where 90% of my internet surfing is done, and i will keep it that way because of mods like you keeping up the good work, and making this a pleasant place to spend time.  Hang with us rubb.......

You don't have a bike.... Your outta here fella.....

I've had enuff for a while I think. I've had a bad week, with the licence thing,the hot water tank,my puppy got sick cost me 175 that I didn't have.

 then I get to VOLUNTEER for this krap.

   I need a day off,atleast. See you folks later.
You're tossing me to the wolves, aren't you Rub?  

Hey, go read or something...take a break...sometimes the brain just needs to shut down, hence man invented Guinness just for you...
Michelle, get ready someone has to dress up in that gorilla costume and post on here for a week they are monkey man.....



Until RSD gets back.. please PM me with all your hatred.. insults and threats. I actually find them entertaining.

It is just the internet. So feel free to let your agressions and hatred out towards me...

And if you really feel froggy. come on down.. we can go to my DoJo and put some gear on and have some fun.. dont mean that in a smart a$$ way. just. sometimes when two people have issues.. puting on some good ol head gear and gloves and stuff and just letting it go is good therapy..

So I am up for whatever
so abuse me.. use me.. shid on me.. I dont care... leave RSD alone for a bit... I am a mod so if anyone has any issues PM me and I will see what I can do...
Take a break Rubb,

but ya better come back!!

You can't leave me a Rich alone on those boring nights trying to come up with another prank can ya??

If you quit for ANY reason, Rubb, I'm gonna hunt you down and chain you to your computer. Big as you are, I can do it, too, pal!

But if you need a vacation, that's okay. Take ten minutes.

Seriously, you'd be sorely missed if you left.

I honestly think your doing a hell of a job Rub, If you need to chill, go for it Bro by all means. Just try not to come back as HBB
RSD - doin' a great job. Hang in there and dangit, keep this board where it needs to be.

BV and others frettin'... go easy. There's isn't enough time in anyone's day to start flippin each other off through the forum. We ride Busa's doggonit!
(Phew! - gotta watch that cussin'. Sorry)

Keep up the good work everyone...
snif... I love you man...

(Like I just made a difference.
hey RSD, just take some time and relax ... remember, its the interweb man.... shid happens and you can't take things personally

besides, if you leave, who's gonna be the original site bastige
Until RSD gets back.. please PM me with all your hatred.. insults and threats. I actually find them entertaining.

It is just the internet. So feel free to let your agressions and hatred out towards me...

And if you really feel froggy. come on down.. we can go to my DoJo and put some gear on and have some fun.. dont mean that in a smart a$$ way. just. sometimes when two people have issues.. puting on some good ol head gear and gloves and stuff and just letting it go is good therapy..

So I am up for whatever
so abuse me.. use me.. shid on me.. I dont care... leave RSD alone for a bit... I am a mod so if anyone has any issues PM me and I will see what I can do...
PM SENT!!!!!!!


Take that thrasher...
Rubbah........ How am I supposed to be like you and worship the ground you walk on if you aren't around?


CRAP, I'm lost!!!!!!
Someone need a pet like person?
Until RSD gets back.. please PM me with all your hatred.. insults and threats. I actually find them entertaining.

It is just the internet. So feel free to let your agressions and hatred out towards me...

And if you really feel froggy. come on down.. we can go to my DoJo and put some gear on and have some fun.. dont mean that in a smart a$$ way. just. sometimes when two people have issues.. puting on some good ol head gear and gloves and stuff and just letting it go is good therapy..

So I am up for whatever
so abuse me.. use me.. shid on me.. I dont care... leave RSD alone for a bit... I am a mod so if anyone has any issues PM me and I will see what I can do...
PM SENT!!!!!!!


Take that thrasher...

Your in for now Ron

dudes I have calmed a bit.
One of the things that will always piss me off to the end thou is when my honour is questioned.

I know its just the web and all, but I take my job here seriously. I love helping out. 99.9 % of the time the interaction here is fantastic. I will admit that I am losing pacience with the tiny percentage that are here to be mean to others and stir up krap.

Cap told me a little story last night about when he first started the Org. He got a real nasty email from some jerk telling him not to bother with continuing to set up the org,that it would never fly. The dipstick told Cappy that he had no need for the place...he has LaBusa's.

What a butthole.

come along way,nice job Boss.

The Cap and I are similar in ways we decided one day a couple weeks ago, we are both hard wired.

At the risk of sounding like a stuck up bastid,I'll share a little story with you, that will perhaps give everyone a little bit more of an' understanding of why I work the way that I do.

Here goes:
I work for a large university. 3000 + employees. Several years ago the president of the university started up an idea that he would give an award to the best employee on campus.
He called it the President's Distinguished Service Award. The entire campus community could nominate folks,20,000 plus people could nominate.
Out of 3000 or more employee's, they chose 47 hopefuls.Rubbah was indeed one of those hopefuls. At the time I was driving truck for the University.
So, a commitee was selected who would have the task of deciding who should receive the award. They sat for days deciding. The folks on the commitee were all from the 4th floor of one of the more pretigious buildings on campus. Well when they announced their selection,lots of folks got really upset. The Rubb wasn't the winner. They chose ,surprisingly enough, a person who worked on the 4th floor of that very same building. I laughed. I realized how could they hand over this prestigeous award,in its inaungeral year, to the ugly tattoo'd truck driver. They just couldn't. It still makes me laugh.

Just thought I'd share that in case any body ever wonders why I get upset when my honour is questioned. My duties at work these days include cash collections. Thousands of dollars each day will pass through my hands. All of it,undetectable,untraceable. My employers trust me.

A man without honour....is nothing.

Come on Rubbah.... He admitted that he was wrong... We all could be...

BentValve is a great guy.... Maybe not in control of his emotions and ability thinking straight sometimes....

We all have our own weirdness sometimes... aren`t we?

You have a big heart.... forgive us!
Vic .....

bro, you have to stop with comments like that...I can only take so much laughter in 1 day