I have owned bikes since around 17 and am now 36. I did not even own a helmet until I was around 20. I always rode without one. I had to borrow a helmet to ride from Illinois to Michigan and then to Louisiana. I had one wreck and was lucky enough that it was minor and did not hit my head. When I was in my late 20's I had family and also lived in Missouri where there is helmet law. I was in wreck where I high sided and hit a pointed, cu off sign with my head. Actually stuck into my helmet. the point touched my temple but did not penetrate. Since then, I have moved to Florida where there is not a helmet law. I admit, I do not always wear my pads, but 99 percent of time I wear a helmet. In a neighborhood environment under 15 miles an hour or maybe once in a while at beach, I take it off, but not much. There are people that have died when their bike fell over, not even moving, so speed is not as huge a factor as you think. To each their own. But from a reformed guy that never wore a helmet, I am a believer in them now. I always use to say that with or without a helmet, in a bike wreck your screwed anyway. Well helmets save lives. I am a believer now.