I need help with 08 busa bogs out


ok I have an 08 busa Its all stock with the expecptions of the slip-ons so one day I decided to buy a K&N air filter and I installed it and It started to bog out so I was told I needed a power comander so I decided to put an OEM air filter back on cuz I didnt have the money for a power comander and it never readjusted and it kept bogging out so now when I open the throttle and hit 8000 rpm Ihave to roll off cuz it wont go past 8000 rpm if I stay on the throttle any ideas of whats going on with my bike
Check your fuel filter. You probably got some bad gas. Warning, replacing one cost about 250 bucks if you do it yourself. There is a mod on this forum to bypass the stock filter and use an external automotive filter.

Some things to look for.

Fuel pump has high pitch whine wile the bike is running.
Get on it and bog it down, then back off the throttle slowly. If the bike accelerates then it's most likely the filter.

Don't waste your time backflushing the filter because it will only last a couple of hundred miles at most.

If you confirm the filter is plugged from bad gas, you might want to get your injectors cleaned also.
I sent mine off to rc engineering. They were tested clean and tested again. Had one dripping and all was good after clean.
fuel filter clogging. If you ease into it beyond 8K it will go on up, but eventually you'll be done.
Take off the airbox and look inside your throttle bodies. Make sure you didn't drop a rubber grommit or the filter seal gasket down in the throttle bodies. I have seen this happen to a few different people when swapping filters and it caused similar issues, RPM bog or throttle to bind and stick.
Just wanted to say thanks one more time for all the advice. I replaced the fuel filter and my bike is back to normal running great
It depends on what clogged the filter. When mine plugged from bad gas, I used techron, and seafoam. in addition to backflushing the filter twice. I finally disassembled the fliter itself by breaking it open. the filter medium is quite small and is made of dense, paperlike material that's pleated. The pores of the paper were clogged with whatever contaminated the gas. I even gave it a shot of brake cleaner and it wouldn't come clean. When I backflushed it, some granular material came out but it wasn't much, and wasn't what was ultimately clogging the filter.

Judging by the size of the medium, I would say if you have more than 20K miles since you changed it, (or if you have never changed it) you may be experiencing some performance loss. Granted these bikes have so much performance margin, you probably wouldn't notice it by seat of the pants until you reach the point of fuel starvation which is what happens when you experience bogging. The same could be said for dirty/clogged injectors.