Beautiful, I love it when you finally cough up the source
Erp! Reading comprehension fail - twice!

Which most folks understand is an arm of the radical left wing propaganda machine!
Sure. Okay. "Most folks"..... you mean most folks in general, or most .oRg folks, or...?

So if one doesn't find an article amenable to their views, it obviously must be a product of the "radical left wing propaganda machine"! Oooooookay.

Thank you for your honesty!![]()
Why, you are very much welcomed, good sir!

However, I noticed you never offered your opinion to the question, and since you have twice now demonstrated reading comprehension issues, allow the following amplification on the OP, just to ensure you understand correctly. :agree:
My question (not the quoted material from that alleged "radical left wing propaganda machine", rather, my question) was the following:
Since god is supposed to have omniscience, he already knows who was going to win. So it is curious why he asks 4-5 different Republicans to run, when he knows only one can win and already knows who that is (I guess he doesn't even consider those heathen Dems). The only *logical* conclusion to be drawn is that either god is quite the prankster, or these republicans are just making crap up in order to pander to the appropriate sheeple.
So with the above in mind, the question being presented is the following: is god a prankster, or are these republicans just making crap up in order to pander to the appropriate sheeple?