You are confusing two things hear - a) how it works and b) my attempt to hypothesize regarding the piston pullback.
You clarified a few posts ago that there are vents in the reservoir even though you didn't elaborate much where the vents were. So, I removed the cap and finally found the vents. After that, I clearly admitted that my hypothesis was wrong, and I moved to the next hypothesis - binding pistons.
In 'how it works" part, as the lever is released the disc pushes the pads which in turn push back the pistons a tiny distance so that the pads are staying very close and barely touching the discs - just enough distance to release the pressure.
With so many posts wasted, why don't you simply explain how it works if I am incorrect, and then please explain why the lever needs to be squeezed more as the pads wear off.
I am trying to figure things out, and an occasional incomplete piece of information causes more confustion on my part than helps.
Some people are OK with just the notion that "this is how it's done, and I don't care why". I need to know it all, can't help it. It may appear I am stuck on a certain subject, but I am not. The more I see an incomplete or inconsistent explanation, the more I want to know why.