It is just wrong that you have VABusa's seat on your head....that is all I have to say about it...
lose the hair keep the chick
well DOH!! just occurred to me that Lurch has hair at all on his head... heck any good off the rack solution is fine... the beautician is just window dressing...
Sorry Jules, Dawn, Angela, Michelle, Di, and the rest of my sweet ladies.
Its all becoming clear now...
But I thought you LIKED the fact that I was bald. What are you trying to say Bro????
Its all becoming clear now...
It was.... until I read the post from Lurch to it is becomming a little .... gay...
No, you do not understand. With a shaved head, I can wear a helmethawk mohawk when I am not wearing a helmet.
That will NEVER happen. My lady Lynn is better than ANY woman out there. And I am not just saying that because she will read this it is true.
Sorry Jules, Dawn, Angela, Michelle, Di, and the rest of my sweet ladies.
He's getting cuter every day...