All my life i have always been that one guy who is fun to be around, always a blast at parties, and does not mind being the butt of a joke so long as the give is just as good as the take.
Now having said that, I have always been just a few degrees from cool. Lets say 5 degrees from cool. When beepers were the rage, I still used a home phone voice mail. When every one was getting into sport bikes i was pimp-n a moped, when every one got new blackberry's I wen the cheap route and got a dingle berry ( what a pile of crap that was) lol come on thats funny. Bottom line is have always be just a little off, or maybe 1 step behind so may say.
Well I am here to throw down the the shackles of my slight uncoolness. Today I took my behind to the phone store on my moped lol ( j/k) and got me a iphone a otter box and a blue tooth. I feel cool, I have a strut like walk now, I hold my head up higher, I just all out feel better lol. Or I did until I got home.
WTF is so special about a Iphone? The only reason I got one is was because it was free. Its confusing, I have spent the last 3 hours trying to fogure out how to add a second email account to it. But i must sat the orange and camo otter box is cool looking.
Now having said that, I have always been just a few degrees from cool. Lets say 5 degrees from cool. When beepers were the rage, I still used a home phone voice mail. When every one was getting into sport bikes i was pimp-n a moped, when every one got new blackberry's I wen the cheap route and got a dingle berry ( what a pile of crap that was) lol come on thats funny. Bottom line is have always be just a little off, or maybe 1 step behind so may say.
Well I am here to throw down the the shackles of my slight uncoolness. Today I took my behind to the phone store on my moped lol ( j/k) and got me a iphone a otter box and a blue tooth. I feel cool, I have a strut like walk now, I hold my head up higher, I just all out feel better lol. Or I did until I got home.
WTF is so special about a Iphone? The only reason I got one is was because it was free. Its confusing, I have spent the last 3 hours trying to fogure out how to add a second email account to it. But i must sat the orange and camo otter box is cool looking.