I want CRAZY LOUD pipes!!!

Saw the vid, U should of gotten paid cuz now I'm sold. U R a internet star now, reminds me a bit of the Isle of Man race I've been scoping on Speed Vision but better cuz this is our sound & bike! Thanx MSF, U out did yourself! U can link here if U want.
Hey MSF, I would still like to see/hear the good stuff...

Loud pipes produce all the noise behind you, 90% of all accidents happen when a cage violates your right of way from the front, this isn't an opinion. Allmost all bike accidents occur from the front of the bike, and Hurt Study showed this clearly... So all your fuggin noise and hardcore decibels are wasted on irritating those drivers behind you. Still it's your choice and to each his own, but don't kid yourselves into thinking that irritating everyone else around you is actually going to do anything other than piss people off and eventually lead to draconian legislation barring all aftermarket pipes... Just think of how irritating them little Fart Machine POS Fast and Furious Wannabee's are... To the general public, you will be right in that same group, Just an irritation, something to be made illegal...

Don't get me wrong, I love the sound of a healthy motor, hell I freakin love the noise, but running around with a healthy sound and running around with a WAY LOUD pipe are two different things... Give those around you a little tiny bit of consideration, a little bit of respect, and a crazy loud system on the streets just doesn't seem like that good of an Idea...

All that being said, MSF, AZTEC, I'm not hating, I'm not directing this specifically at you guys, In General though I'm just saying that even I want to throw bricks at the sugarbritches running their Hardley's with Straight pipes, FART MACHINE Honda's, and the sport bikes winding their poop up at 2AM on a Tuesday... Get's old fast and makes the sport look bad...
I'll stay away from your house at 2:00 am, I promise

But really, the HMF's can't be as loud as a harley with straight pipes, plus I'm not planning to rip the throttle in a residentail neighborhood either. Thanx

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Dude, watched the vid. Can't say enough to MSF or his wife for going to the trouble to get that done just for us mopes to listen to his bike. By the way, that has to be one of the sweetest busa's I've ever laid eyes on, not to mention a sweet piece of riding...and that pipe.....yummy.

Thanks MSF...was good to see BC again you lucky bastid. Keep her skinny side down and ride a little for me....

Hey MSF, I would still like to see/hear the good stuff...

Loud pipes produce all the noise behind you, 90% of all accidents happen when a cage violates your right of way from the front, this isn't an opinion.  Allmost all bike accidents occur from the front of the bike, and Hurt Study showed this clearly...  So all your fuggin noise and hardcore decibels are wasted on irritating those drivers behind you.  Still it's your choice and to each his own, but don't kid yourselves into thinking that irritating everyone else around you is actually going to do anything other than piss people off and eventually lead to draconian legislation barring all aftermarket pipes...  Just think of how irritating them little Fart Machine POS Fast and Furious Wannabee's are...  To the general public, you will be right in that same group, Just an irritation, something to be made illegal...
Don't get me wrong, I love the sound of a healthy motor, hell I freakin love the noise, but running around with a healthy sound and running around with a WAY LOUD pipe are two different things...  Give those around you a little tiny bit of consideration, a little bit of respect, and a crazy loud system on the streets just doesn't seem like that good of an Idea...

All that being said, MSF, AZTEC, I'm not hating, I'm not directing this specifically at you guys, In General though I'm just saying that even I want to throw bricks at the sugarbritches running their Hardley's with Straight pipes, FART MACHINE Honda's, and the sport bikes winding their poop up at 2AM on a Tuesday...  Get's old fast and makes the sport look bad...
Check yer pm ya cranky stinker!!
Hey Aztec,
I was a yoshi fan until I heard the BDE Hindle GENIII. You may want to check it out.... Here is the website where you can also actually listen to it.
Dude, watched the vid. Can't say enough to MSF or his wife for going to the trouble to get that done just for us mopes to listen to his bike.  By the way, that has to be one of the sweetest busa's I've ever laid eyes on, not to mention a sweet piece of riding...and that pipe.....yummy.

Thanks MSF...was good to see BC again you lucky bastid.  Keep her skinny side down and ride a little for me....

Wifey says no problem Monty.....happy to do it.
Thanks for the nice words dude.....really appreciate it.
Have a great one

U want loud...i can't say i much to compare to, but i run dual ART's which I pulled apart and pulled out the glass.. I got to say it sounds frickin mean. Everyone i ride with loves the sound...loud low tone...ridiculous at high rpm's. I LOVE IT. LOAD PIPES RULE!!