I want to buy a busa

Wow man, hard choices. I think a Busa would be a good fit physically for you. You wouldn't be all bunched up like you would on a small bike like an RSV. I've known several guys though who thought a Busa would be just right for them. Turns out they were prone to grabbing a fistful of throttle and ended up with the bike on the ground. :cussing: You just can't go whatever you want on a Busa. It WILL bite back. :banghead: Kind of a big waste of money. IMO I would rather ride with others who have a bike they can manage. That way if something does go wrong I know they can hold their own.

No matter what you decide, :welcome:
Form Equals Function: Sportbikes are Not Beginner Bikes : Suzuki GSX-R Motorcycle Forums: Gixxer.com

That's a real good read :thumbsup:

Besides if you had asked this on the gixxer forum it would have been open season on you.
Read that for the first time and pretty biased towards getting a beginner bike first.

I think you should go big or nothing at all. I have been told the best way to learn is a get beginner bike, and go from there.

Ninja 250/500 first, then 600, then 750, then 1000, then busa/ZX-14

That is a complete waste of time AND money to go through all of those bikes like that.

Get what you want, AND TAKE YOUR TIME LEARNING.... Do this, and you will be fine!!!

Yea this guy is an expert rider after 950 miles on a busa just ask him.
Yea this guy is an expert rider after 950 miles on a busa just ask him.

Yup, because I explicitly stated I am the God of all Busa riders, and should be racing AMA from my Godly skills.........

All I said is I want more power and you take things completely out of context, good job.
:welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome:

Welcome again, mate :D

I'm young, skinny, and not too tall- the exact opposite of you.

one thing we both have in common though is getting a busa after a little bit of experience- it was my second street bike (first ones engine blew up, dang craigs list) and I was still under 2 years on the road coming from dirtbikes for numerous years.

if you think your ready and you wont kill yourself or be a fool, do it. if you think theres a chance, dont- not worth it.

I cant tell you how many times i've wanted to take it to redline (only 20) but don't, because I need to remind myself that i truly am mortal (still takes a little convincing:laugh:)

just my <PENNY> <PENNY>

:welcome: Busa was my true first bike. I started out on a beat up used 01 zx7 had it for 3 months then bought my 06 zx14 and 08 Busa brand new. I still own both the 14 and Busa. My reason for going big early was because every 2yrs i didn't want to be buying a larger bike. If you decide to get the Busa respect the power because its unforgiving.
Why not get a Busa??? I did, blew the engine before 6,000 miles:rofl: I guess it wasnt ready for me. People get hurt just as bad on a 600 or 750cc. The ones that will say dont do it are probably the ones that rode bicycles with helmets, chest protectors and shin guards:rofl:

To me a stock Busa isnt fast enough:whistle: But thats me... they might scare some off. The saying is... if you cant roll with the big doggs.... stay on the porch

And i made the jump from a tricked out CR500R(two stroke 500cc)??? The Busa was tame compared to that dirt bike
Yup, because I explicitly stated I am the God of all Busa riders, and should be racing AMA from my Godly skills.........

All I said is I want more power and you take things completely out of context, good job.

actually you said

Read that for the first time and pretty biased towards getting a beginner bike first.

I think you should go big or nothing at all. I have been told the best way to learn is a get beginner bike, and go from there.

Ninja 250/500 first, then 600, then 750, then 1000, then busa/ZX-14

That is a complete waste of time AND money to go through all of those bikes like that.

Get what you want, AND TAKE YOUR TIME LEARNING.... Do this, and you will be fine!!!

"That is a complete waste of time AND money to go through all of those bikes like that."

and thats your thought w/ what little mileage you have. it's kinda like asking me about flying lessons and i have 10hrs under my belt. there are alot more seasoned riders out there giving alot better advice.
Why not get a Busa??? I did, blew the engine before 6,000 miles:rofl: I guess it wasnt ready for me. People get hurt just as bad on a 600 or 750cc. The ones that will say dont do it are probably the ones that rode bicycles with helmets, chest protectors and shin guards:rofl:

To me a stock Busa isnt fast enough:whistle: But thats me... they might scare some off. The saying is... if you cant roll with the big doggs.... stay on the porch

And i made the jump from a tricked out CR500R(two stroke 500cc)??? The Busa was tame compared to that dirt bike


I don't think this new rider is looking to hear trash talk and how you would take on Ben Spies if he would just return your emails. Save the chest thumping for another thread and give the guy advice like you were talking to a friend or family member and you were actually concerned about their health and welfare. Buying a bike like a Busa when you have zero street experience is just plain irresponsible whether you managed to live through it or not. Saying that a litre bike or Busa/ZX14 is no more dangerous than a 600 or 750 is just plain BS.
Just to chime in here....

If you really want a Busa. Grab it. Craigs is good. got mine there too.
Grab a 2008 + and ride in b + c mode. As you prob know, those modes dumb the bike down. When you feel ready, jump it to A mode.

I ride in A mode. but when im tired, its rainy, gravel, tires cold, im in B or C mode.

People will argue "dont get a busa if your not using A mode."
but who cares what mode your in but you!!!

I do not agree with the start with 250cc and move up...
I started on a 750. But not the R model. So this was perfect for me.
Then went to cbr900rr and now a 2008 busa.

But if indeed you want to go full throttle all the time, ride hard and twitchy ala motocross, then this bike is not for you. Grab something much smaller.

I will tell you 1 thing though... if you **** up your throttle on a large bump or rut or something, and you cant control it.... you will be hanging on for dear life...
Welcome to the .org.

Lots of good info and advice here.

Be carefull and learn well, there are more differences between street and dirt than you are aware of.

And once again well to the .org and your next passion.
The Busa was my first sport bike. A healthy respect for the bike is all that's required in my opinion.
One thing no one has mentioned here yet. Insurance.
If you buy a Busa for your first streetbike with minimal riding experiance, even taking the MSF Riding Course, your insurance cost will probably be through the roof! Even for minimum coverage.
(insurance companies dont consider 6 years of riding dirtbikes, experiance)
They very well might look at you as a hazard to your own life and limb and charge you out the waazoo.
If you lived here in Florida, you would be paying about $200-250+ a month for full coverage.
Just something to consider.
so you want to BUY a busa???

my question is: r u going to want to RIDE one??

i rode on my 01 raptor for 3yrs then my K6 GS500 for 4 yrs before jumping on my busa..

at this point for most BUS riders; riding is a NEED... we need to ride.. we need to get on the bike.. we need to hear the engine roar. feel the power as we come out of a turn. alot of guys sit on their bikes while they are hibernating during the winter just to get a temporary fix. personally becuase of work i ride every sunday and most thursdays... i can do without riding a thursday but if dont ride on sunday.. i'm just not right during the week.

Buying one and looking at it is fun.. but if your not ready to be diciplined enough to ride it.. get something smaller...

on the flip side to all that crasyness i just posted:

think about cost ownership..
its cheaper for me to Insure my 06 1300cc GSXR(takes regular gas) full coverage than... say same year R6(takes premium gas) and 07 VFR(takes what ever you put in it)..