My .02. I have had the pleasure of traveling the world and have seen many different places. I have been to the UK and ended up pretty depressed over there. So I know what you are trying to get away from when you mention the weather.
For some crazy reason I keep ending up in Florida. I have lived in South Florida to North Florida. I left South Florida because of cost of living and I wanted my kids raised in a better atmosphere. I now reside in the Orlando area. It is still affordable compared to NY, California and other desirable places around the US.
To me family is priority #1, so a family place is what I look for. There are tons of activities for children around here, and of course the theme parks. Your kids will never get bored with those.
Believe it or now we do have some season changes in the Orlando area with tons of places to ride, "year round riding". It is not as humid as all say it is, South Florida is worse.
We do have some good tech jobs here so that shouldn't be to big of a problem to find one.
Don't forget the great bike events we have here like Bike Week in March and Biketoberfest in October.
The other place I recommend for family and rider friendly is Georgia (around the Atlanta area watch for traffic), it doesn't snow that bad but it does get cold.
North Carolina is a nice place also, for your job field that's the place to be now. Great family atmosphere to. But I have been and again, its all about family activities and year long riding to me.
I would by no means try to sway you one way or the other, it all depends on your taste. Each state has its unique little attributes that make it great to someone. Personally I would love to settle down in West (by god) Virginia. But I would lose my mind with boredom.
I believe this Forum probably has every state covered. So no matter where you do go someone will be glad to show you around.
If you happen to travel to the Orlando area (its not all Mickey Mouse and tourists), please look me up and Ill give you the tour. Ill even get you a bike to tour on..
(Coach) Dave
P.S. Its just a skip across the pond to your little brothers house. The doors always open and we'll be glad to have you.