I was admiring an '01 Blusa the other day

Hey Mustang
  Yer B/S is looking schweeet too. I have the same model except it's all stock. It's going in for a paint job and some body work  and I was thinking inners too. I am divided. A solid color with matching inners is almost too much.To each his own I guess.It would pay to be proficient in photoshop as I have trouble visualizing a final product. Your Bessie be looking fine tho'
Thx for the compliments. Bessie the Blusa loves attention - you know how it is. Biloxi, huh? You ain't all that far away. You ever make it out to PCola? As far as I know, me and Vincent are the only two here......
MC, saw they guy pulling in as I was leaving.  Didn't recongnize him though.

BTW> if you don't have to get up, DON'T.  Enjoy your time off while you can
Yeah, he was a big boy! Nice bike and a lot of work done....I don't know without the inners done, it just looked unfinished somehow.
Got two friends over right now....Mr. Beans and Mr. Peas; met them both at he grocery store and we are all real cozy. Mama is letting me lounge around....little sore and a little swollen, but nothing too bad. I plan to be riding again by Wed.