I was scolded today


so 7 of us went for a 200+ mile ride today. when we stopped at this little country store to eat lunch this guy and his wife pull up on there own mopeds and proceed to tell us "it's to hot for all that gear" and I respond "I like my skin" to which he says "slow down then" and I replied back one more time "you don't have to be riding fast for a car to pull out in front of you" and walked away before I got my blood pressure up. you just can't fix stupid.
arguing with idiots is like putting a tutu on a pig, it's just a waste of your time and only annoys the pig :laugh:
Apparently, he has either never put a bike down on the road, or is too dumb to have learned from it. Some people can't be helped.
This thread is missing pics john! That's all i have to say about that.
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here you go Chris
Just ask him if he likes freedom! Nobody ever says NO. Then say I like the freedom to wear what I wanna wear!
arguing with idiots is like putting a tutu on a pig, it's just a waste of your time and only annoys the pig :laugh:

I always heard..

Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience..
LOL I've noticed that a lot of folks here don't like their skin much. I got a scold when I got to work also. "Are you crazy to be wearing all that gear riding" All I replied with is my ride in the morning will be great and kept walking.