IF, they were contaminated with a dangerous level of radiation(which is highly unlikely) they were most likely, if not definately, manufactured and packaged before the earthquake.
SO, that would mean that you have already been exposed to the radiation on the shipping package, as well as the plastic the bar ends are in. If you think that the bar ends are the only thing contaminated and the package isn't, that would mean that clear plastic is radiation proof. Thus we should all throw away our tin foil hats and replace them with plastic ones!
Beings as though you haven't yet responded to any of these posts, I'm afraid that you've already mutated beyond being able to use your keyboard, or worse yet, already succomed to the posionous levels and died! I hope not!
Sorry man...had to do it.
how do thoes compair to the stock ones, they say heavy weight so Im sure the weigh more but how about width and length. How much did you pay for them? I just bought a set off of flebay for $19.00 but they are not weighted and are 1/2 the size of the stock ones. I bought them cuz they were gold, I like yours so if your worried about them we can switch
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