If I wasnt married.

Just curious, How do you ask a woman you just met if you can take a picture of her. Im thinking she might think that a little weird.

SOOOOoo...you'll be thought of as weird. Your married, it's not like
your going there anyway :tongue4: get a dam picture :thumbsup:

This type of stuff always happens to the married guys.

Go back to work, get yourself another virus, call your tech guy and tell him you need this chick to come fix your computer again because she did such a great job. By the way, ride Misty to work so when she's done with the computer, tell her Misty is outside. Then you have an excuss to get some pics of her on Misty.:thumbsup:
This type of stuff always happens to the married guys.

Go back to work, get yourself another virus, call your tech guy and tell him you need this chick to come fix your computer again because she did such a great job. By the way, ride Misty to work so when she's done with the computer, tell her Misty is outside. Then you have an excuss to get some pics of her on Misty.:thumbsup:

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
So many request for pics of this HOT broad so, I got a hold of Jeff. He was able to provide this pic of her. If you squint your eyes she looks a lot like the second pic but with shorter hair. :rofl:


So here I am at work, Im having problems with my computer ( Virus ) So I call the service we use and ask my guy Jeff to come out and take a look at it. 30 Min later a woman walks through the door that makes me say
(( Damn )) she walks to my office and ask if Im Michael ( Thankyou God ) and apparently Jeff. Shes my computer Tech. :cheerleader:

I have my computer shut off, She walks over and starts it up, My Busa Misty is my Background, When it comes up she says, ( Quote ) That is a beautifull bike, is that yours. Yep I say, She says ( Quote ) It looks like a Hayabusa. At this point Im ready to start having my children call her mommy.

She was there for 3 hrs. Fun to talk too, Nice too look at and smelt great.

It was a good Fri.

OH MY!!!!! LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Simple you say, "Do you mind if I take a picture of you? I have an obligation to my friends to post a picture of the HOT!! women I keep bragging about to them."

Now I am sure that will get you slapped and maybe a few other things.. but suck it up and get us those pics....

You could have told her it was a board rule..
So here I am at work, Im having problems with my computer ( Virus ) So I call the service we use and ask my guy Jeff to come out and take a look at it. 30 Min later a woman walks through the door that makes me say
(( Damn )) she walks to my office and ask if Im Michael ( Thankyou God ) and apparently Jeff. Shes my computer Tech. :cheerleader:

I have my computer shut off, She walks over and starts it up, My Busa Misty is my Background, When it comes up she says, ( Quote ) That is a beautifull bike, is that yours. Yep I say, She says ( Quote ) It looks like a Hayabusa. At this point Im ready to start having my children call her mommy.

She was there for 3 hrs. Fun to talk too, Nice too look at and smelt great.

It was a good Fri.

Smelt is a fish! or smelt as in smelter, melting and separating metals, neither of which smells good. :poke: :rofl:

Maybe this belongs in the Grammar Thread, but I decided to throw caution to the wind. :laugh:
so really min 2 til the end is the most appropriate for the thread but its all funny :laugh:

So, is the computer fixed? There are alot of good looking women out there that like the busa. But there is a reason that we are with the people we are with.
is wagoner near okc? my ex from back in the day does it and tech work in the okc area, she's kind of a sportbike ***** now lol.
So here I am at work, Im having problems with my computer ( Virus ) So I call the service we use and ask my guy Jeff to come out and take a look at it. 30 Min later a woman walks through the door that makes me say
(( Damn )) she walks to my office and ask if Im Michael ( Thankyou God ) and apparently Jeff. Shes my computer Tech. :cheerleader:

I have my computer shut off, She walks over and starts it up, My Busa Misty is my Background, When it comes up she says, ( Quote ) That is a beautifull bike, is that yours. Yep I say, She says ( Quote ) It looks like a Hayabusa. At this point Im ready to start having my children call her mommy.

She was there for 3 hrs. Fun to talk too, Nice too look at and smelt great.

It was a good Fri.

Well for true not cheating sake.....there is always the mental image when you close your eyes that can make for some fun :whistle: Just be sure not to yell her name out when your finished.....

Just saying :laugh:
Just curious, How do you ask a woman you just met if you can take a picture of her. Im thinking she might think that a little weird.

Write the post while she's there. Take the photo of her on your bike. Come on, get creative. There's always a next time!