If not a Busa...

I'm 32, over 6", over 200lbs...and the busa was my first sport bike ever! When looking at them initially, I was going to get a 600 or 750, but my wife told me: "Go big or go home"...needless to say she was right. If you not comfortable with it, start out slow...but don't get something you might regret later, and I've never met or heard of anyone regretting to get the busa.

Think of it like this: "Life is like a dog sled team...if you're not leading the pack, the view never changes." Good luck in your decision...
The busa is my 1st bike. I had her for about 4 months now and love her. I had probably about 1 hour of bike riding experience before i got the busa. Just take it easy till you get used to it and within a month your good to go. Not in corners though . Dont be afraid of it. Just behave and youll be fine
"That said, the Gixxers are like lighter versions of the Busa. IMO, the dropoff in displacement for a supersport GSXR is not enough to warrant consideration as a better beginner bike."

Interesting. I have a friend that's been riding for 15 years and he was much happier to hear that I was "considering" something smaller like a gixxer750. I say "considering" because I still may get the beast. If I do, I plan on taking my time with her and learning as much as I can in parking lots and around the neighborhood. Even the dealer was stearing me toward a 600-750... but that could be just what they're wanting to push right now.
(Shibumi @ Sep. 02 2007,18:56)
(ShawnOCBusa23 @ Sep. 02 2007,18:18) If anyone wants to share any "My first bike was a Busa and I wrecked" stories I'd be glad to listen.
Oh yeah, about 98% of us have dropped it in a driveway or parking lot at or near a standstill!

500+ pounds starts leaning on you, not many can leg press that much with ONE leg!!
Mother's HEAVY...
I'll bite.

I'm 28 years old and have a pretty ugle knee issue. I had roughly a year on a YZF 600R before I bought my Busa. I dropped my YZF 600 at 65mph. (Road conditions: it sucked...... alot [see above about knee]) I dropped my bus at a light. With my GF. 3rd day with the bike. Much heavier ride, plus the 2nd time I'd ridden 2 up for more than 5 minutes....... (It also sucked, albeit in a different way.) A 500ish buck fairing later she's good as new....

Since getting the bus I've ridden a slew of bikes owned by friends. Is my bike faster? yup..... Is it as controllable as any of em? you bet. The low end TQ makes it a VERY ridable bike. Can you get yourself in trouble? Yup; you bet. But you need to have an itchy throttle hand. A Busa is a bad 1st bike for a 19yo with no respect for it's power. If that's not you, I can't imagine it's really any different than a GXSR 750. (It'll hurt ya just as quick if you don;t respect it. )
bottom line the Busa is fast as he!!, 750s are fast as he!!, the 1000s are fast as he!!, even the 600s are fast as he!!. so get a the 1 you want. drive it like a moron you'll end up in a box.

learn the limits of your ability, don't ride over that limit, GET GOOD GEAR. and have fun with whatever you choose.
workbill said:
Couldn't you find a better looking girl to wear that shirt?

The more I sit on one, the more I think it's coming home with me sometime soon.



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I use to race cars too. Don't laugh but my first car was an 88 GT Mustang bought off the floor when I was 24, my first car ever. I thought it was the fastest thing known to man, and at that time it was quick. Then the new cylinder heads, the paxton ball drive blower (POS), the exhaust, and on and on. Yes it was faster but it was more a maintenance issue due to blow head gaskets and etc. Now during my short time with this car I did go to a race track and get instruction in road racing and paid a few visists to the strip. Thought I had all the basics down after all of that instruction.

Flash forward 20 years and now I want a motorcyle haha. I bought a Vstrom dl650 and this bike freaked me out for the first couple of thousand miles. I just couldn't believe there was a reason under heaven or earth for going faster, but that misconspection soon wore off
I can handle the bike about average or better in parking lot figure 8's and what not, but on the highway at speed it is kinda scetchy times for me. Plus the lack of 80 mph plus accelleration is not that good. It's plenty to squirt around trucks and what not, but not commanded in terms of peformance, I enjoy riding I know I have the power to accellerate away from any problem without effert.

All though with that comes danger, accellerate fast you end up going really really fast. Probably faster than you realize until you have to slow down. People sometimes scoff at comparing car experiences with motocycle experiences and the are right for the most part, but if you have ever driven a truely fast car for any length of time, you do understand how hard it is to get slowed down, and you do have some experience with the speeds involved. Some of that may help, but from my owne experiece, on a motorcyle you have to learn it all over again.

All of your senses are being stimulated differently and as such you will react differently. This is why regardless of your past experience it is important to take a class regardless of how stupid you my think it is. I bet you will learn something.

And then cut some tennis balls in halve and place them in a parking lot and practice. It sounds stupid but it does give you skills and convidence like no other.

Anyway, this is what I try to do (when I have time off). Just practice and more practice. This includes slow speed figure 8's, really slow maneuvering, swerving to avoid hazards, and full tilt emergency braking - again, and again, and again, and gain, ......

Riding on the street is easy if you know how to react to bad situations, and by reacting correctly you don't even have to think about it. That is the clue. It becomes natural.

Well, I guess I'll get off of my soap box now and say good night all.
