If you could live anywhere...

Cobra Steve

Come this winter I will be free to move anywhere I like. I feel that it isn't very often that a person gets the oportunity to just up and move anywhere they'd like. I have no ties, not close to my family, no wife, no g/f, and no kids. I will miss all my friends, but I hate cold weather and I'm tired of it.

So, where would you guys go and why if you had no ties? I'm currently looking at three areas, Tampa, FL, SanAntonio/Austin, TX, and San Diego, CA.
The Florida Keys...no job, lots of disposable income falling from the sky...just me, my family and toys, several bars nearby...

Maybe buy this PLACE
Only problem with the places you mentioned is the cost of living. I left LA cuz it was getting ridiculous...
Maybe buy this PLACE
I like that place, but it would cost too much to put in a paved road all the way around the island to ride the bike...plus, it isn't long enough for a 1/2 mile strip.
Silly, silly man...you don't ever put a road in to a place like that; takes away from it's mystery...plus, the locals would start riding over...

No, buy a nice boat, cruise to the mainland and find your 1/2 mile strip for quick Busa runs...
Maybe around Eglin Fl by the pan handle would be nice. Shoot even Valdosta Ga wouldn't be half bad.
San Diego,
friends of mine moved from NYC to SD and they love it
the weather is perfect
I visited them last year in January, and it took me 1 min to be convinced that is the place to live.
I'm living there!

Good ol AZ!

Tons o outdoor stuff. Beautiful weather for 9 monthe outta the year. The other 3 ist's just mad dashes from AC to AC.
I'm living there!

      Good ol AZ!

Tons o outdoor stuff.  Beautiful weather for 9 monthe outta the year.  The other 3 ist's just mad dashes from AC to AC.
Now you're just bragging Mikey...

Oh, look at me! Living where I want to! And did I mention that it's nice?!

If I could live anywhere it wouldn't be Florida, I lived there too many immigrents, low life's and old people, it is documented Florida is the most dangeres state to ride a motorcycle in. I can tell you from expierrnce it's a fact. Also Texas for most of the same reasons as well as too hot in the summer. Calif. is way too expensive and too many illeagle immigrents.
That being said my pick would me North Carolina, or northern Georgia, it may get a little cold, but not for long and there are many great places to ride.
I live in possibly the worst place to live Ohio the weather always sucks. Last Saturday it rained, snowed, and the wind gusted to 50mph, but today it's perfect, but it's a work day.
tough question, I really like Maine and would love to move back up to the Portland area. If not ME. then CA. in the L A area would be my next choice.
I am biased to middle GA lol. The weather is only cold for 1 month maybe 2 out of the year, no snow except on rare occasions...now the benefits...other than year round bike riding.

Standard of living is not bad, you can live comfortably on 40k a yr

2 hours to Sav, GA, 4 hours to Panama City, 5.5-6 hours to Deal's Gap, 3.5-4 hours to North GA mountains.

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Northern Arizona. No futher questions asked!
