If you had 48


<span style='color:darkblue'></span> Ok so you've all heard it "this person you know only has this long to live" IF you had only 48 hrs to live what would you do and why?
I would spend 47.5hrs with my loving wife and daughter doing anything the two of them could possibly want. The next 20mins I would take the fastest most exciting ride anyone could ever dream of. Being back just in time to say goodbye for the last time.
I really can't say what i'd do. One part of me wants to say i'd act like a hero and live life to it's fullest.
          But in reality, the shock of some news like this would devastate me. I'd probly end up calling everyone i know and talk to them, saying goodbye. My built in life preservation mode wouldn't allow me to die in a blaze of glory aboard my Busa or some other type of extreme thing. The 48hrs would go by with me making arrangements and to secure the well being of loved ones.

One thing i would do. I would go to my Fiance', find a pastor, and get him to marry us right there.
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is there someting you want to tell us?

The only worse thing would be going to the Dr. and he comes back in the room saying "bad news", you ask how long, he says "10"

10 WHAT?? Years, months, weeks...???

"9, 8, 7, 6......"
I would liquidate my assets as much as possible, real property would be basically impossible unless some one had been offering to purchase for years, etc. Give those assets to three deserving folks. Enjoy those last hours as much as possible. Absolutely talk to the Man.

I know this was meant in humor or to promote the latest movie, but I know someone close who was given the news years ago without an end date. Would you really want to know
No This thread wasn't meant as a joke orany type of promotion. I'm serious I've had a few friends in this situation and beleive most of you out there have too. Maybe I'm just twisted or maybe everyone hasn't spent 12 months beating down doors in the dark middle of baghdad.. I don't know some things just make you think......What if..this is the last one or something like that Sorry if you guys thought it anything other then a serious topic..

Now really give your serious thoughts..
First, I would order a bottle of Viagra, next morning air.
Next, I would visit a porn shop, spend a couple thousand on miscellanious toys, put it on the card.
I'd open up the black book and call up like 5 girls. Explain my situation....I already talked to the girl about it, she's in. She'll round up a few more.

Tell them to bring all their sexiest outfits, stop at the store on the way over. Bring German chocolates, a couple cases of champagne, 10 bottles of KY liquid and a couple plastic tarps.
But, that's just me.
Once you've answered this question, why wait? Go do it NOW!!


I'd eat any dang thing I please. Spend as much time as I could with my husband. Call all my family and tell them how much I love them. Write my advice and admiration to my son. See how fast my busa can really go. Get all the numbers to HR and give to husband. And enjoy every last minute. Then cry like a baby in the last hour.
(dadofthree @ Jun. 19 2007,21:59) Would you really want to know
Not me...watched my step-father and a good friend from high school live out their last weeks and months "not knowing how long they had left" after being given a year and 5 weeks respectively...all I could think about what how much I couldn't cope with that knowledge...

Thanks, now I'm depressed...