If you had 48

(VaBusa @ Jun. 20 2007,10:11)
(dadofthree @ Jun. 19 2007,21:59) Would you really want to know
Not me...watched my step-father and a good friend from high school live out their last weeks and months "not knowing how long they had left" after being given a year and 5 weeks respectively...all I could think about what how much I couldn't cope with that knowledge...

Thanks, now I'm depressed...
Sorry ( Homer Simpson voice )
(dadofthree @ Jun. 20 2007,10:22)
(VaBusa @ Jun. 20 2007,10:11)
(dadofthree @ Jun. 19 2007,21:59) Would you really want to know
Not me...watched my step-father and a good friend from high school live out their last weeks and months "not knowing how long they had left" after being given a year and 5 weeks respectively...all I could think about what how much I couldn't cope with that knowledge...

Thanks, now I'm depressed...
Sorry ( Homer Simpson voice )
Thanks Homer...

I'm over it...that lasted way less than 48 hours...

Watch NASCAR, that would make the time pass really slowly....

What's NASCAR?

Agreed...turn left drive staight....I would spend it with my fiance!
As much as I'd love to say that I'd go out and do all the daring things I haven't had the guts to do before, I know that I wouldn't. The first thing I'd do is get all of my affairs in order. I'd get all of the phone numbers and account numbers together so things would be easier for my mother and Paul. I just went though this when my dad died and know how hard and painful it is when you have to try to piece things together at a time when you mind and heart have stipped functioning.

The next thing I'd do is identical to what Paul said. I'd find a preacher to marry us. I would love to be his wife even if it's only for a little over a day.

I would spend my last hours with my family. I am very close to my mom, sister and nieces. I would want to spend my last hours with them and Paul, letting them know that it's okay. I know where I'm going and I'll have everything ready for them when they join me, including Paul's fully chromed turbo busa.

Before my dad died, he told me he wasn't afraid of dying. He was only afraid of leaving my mom and us girls. That's how I feel too. I'm not afraid of death. I know what's on the other side for me. I'm afraid of leaving the ones I love.
I'd spend a couple hours getting things in order.

Not too worried thou,I'm worth a fortune dead.

My fam would be in great shape,with everything paid off.

I'd then do a few fun things like: a naked bungy jump,with pics posted here of course.
Get in a last ride on someones Busa,preferably turbo (any volunteers

I'd buy my Rottweillers so much steak,pork,bacon and cookies that they'd puke. I'd buy me a huge bottle of Irish whiskey,get drunk,then go yell at or beat up everyone that I always wanted to.

Then I'd buy the Org and ban EVERYONE.

Ahhhh...jus kiddin'. Well,most of it anyway. RSD.
Watching my father dieing was/is worse experience of my life. 3rd stroke finally killed him.

It changed my life and i`m not the same person anymore.

what I would do...

I`d like to disappear before it`s happened. Somehow I think that I don`t want anyone to see me dead.
that maybe I`ve seen to many dead bodies in my life.
also dealing with assets NOT the worse your family will suffer.

I will give everything I have just to talk with my dad one more time.
rob as many banks i could in  20 hours............ spend the next 24 with my wife and finally bum rush area 51 and see how much i could see before time ran out.
I can assure you that I wouldn't be typing away here. I would be out doing something if I were able to do more than lay in a bed.

James 4:13-14 Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will travel to such and such a city and spend a year there and do business and make a profit.â€￾ You don’t even know what tomorrow will bring—what your life will be! For you are a bit of smoke that appears for a little while, then vanishes.
Line out the financials etc. in an easy to read / follow format. Buy a million dollar policy from a lawer's office with my son as only beneficiary. Spend the remaining time minus 30 minutes with my boy doing anything and everything he wanted holding him close every chance I could ( He's 7 ) In the last 1/2 hour, climb on the New Busa, kiss the wife goodbye and die breaking the 200mph barrier at least 60 miles from home.
I wouldn't need to do a single thing differently. Live them all like they are my last already...

I've seen and learned far too much to do otherwise.
I keep seeing people writing things they should do even if they don't know how much time they have left. You never know: You may only have 10 hours left.

Get out there and DO those things you just wrote. Do them now. What the hell are you waiting for? Until it's too late?

