If you're going to do the HUMP Storage MOD


Peace Keeper or Ban Hammer-it's up to you; IDMBT#9
Staff member
Okay, let me start like this.  One day I am searching the forum for a way to do the storage mod, cause I don't have any more room under the hump (with the PCIII, etc) and I am really tired of unscrewing the bolts to pull off the retention plate.  I am convinced that I could do it with camlocks, and lo and behold I find a post by Corroded Alien (props to you Rus) who did it with camlocks.  So I email him and we talk back and forth.  Now his website has pics and install instructions - not to mention some pretty sweet pics of his 'Busa.  Anyway, he goes so far as to send me a kit (camlocks and recepticles) - and I decide to do it - wrong.  What follows are the pics of what I did, and I'll explain why it's bad for each picture.

Well here is a link to Rus's (Corroded Alien) site...stop on by and have a look at his stuff -
Linky to Rus's website
Here is my hump. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

Reason for Edit: "stoopit speeeeller"|1108217976 -->

Here is a picture of my retention plate where I replaced the bolts with camlocks, which are held to the plate by star washers around the base of the camlocks on the back side:

Now, on the hump itself, I pulled off the recepticles for the bolts, and I riveted the recpticles for the camlocks. This is not how Rus explains that it should be done, but I could not gett he camlocks to fit underneath, the plastic, so I put them on top.

This presents two problems:
1. The hump is now 1/8th of an inch off the retention plate. This can be seen when looking the my bike from behind, although only a Busaholic would recognize the added gap. What makes this worse is that the camlocks are on a spring to help keep tension on the recepticle so they don't just twist out without a load. In this case, depending on what I have put inside the hump, it compresses the spring, making the gap even bigger! In the pic, you can see that I keep a long sleeve shirt, a safety vest and a pair of gloves.
2. Since the recepticles oar on the bottom (plate side) of the hump, if the rivets fail, there is no positive retention of the hump; if the recepticles were underneath the hump plastic, even if they came loose, the plate would still pull down the hump.

And lastly, you might notice in pic number two, that I had to bend the lower camlock butterflies inward - this was because with the added thickness of the plate and hump due to the recepticles between the hump and plate, the butterflies contacted the plastic of the rear fairing (on the rim of the grab bar mount), so to attach and lock the hump, I had to bend them in.

The moral of this story, is that when smarter people than you tell you how to do things, listen to them....from now on, I will.
Let me know if you need help fixing it. Doesn't look like it would be that much work at all.
Thanks for sharing that. It's bound to save somebody (like me
) from making the same mistake
Hey is that a decal on your hump? Id put one on mine but for some reason marines are a lot kooler than airmen
Hey is that a decal on your hump?  Id put one on mine but for some reason marines are a lot kooler than airmen
No, it isn't a decal. I left Japan rather abruptly...when my guys found out that I had to leave, a couple of them got together and hand painted the emblem and kanji. I came into work one day and it was done - my wife had given it to them over a weekend.

I'm glad you like it.
THere are many humps... but this one is mine... I must master my hump.

I need to do the hump mod as well.... thanks for the after actions report with the lessons learned.
Hey, there are some pretty cool Airmen too... Problem is we are all too busy messing with our own shid... Just like on Active Duty Bro...

Marines are damn handy to have around though, you just gotta remember to feed em'.

Hell I grew up in a Marine household, as did my Father. So can you imagine the hell I caused when I went enlisted AF when Dad was Marine Officer?
Oh and Dad was a Harley guy... As was Grand dad...

Damn... So uh are my roots Starting to come together for all you folks yet?


Mustang thanks for posting up the "Whoops". We don't get enough of the "What NOT to do" reports.
