Sane... Go with Kent, I'm attempting an alternative way to do it w/ hardware store parts. I should have it done some time soon. Using firm clip fasteners and hidden hinges. I should be able to open it without removing the hump. We'll see...
Iceman - you always are thinking. I couldn't find the quarter turn hardware here locally, so I used a different method. Yours looks better. I took your clip idea and bought some 1/4"x20TPI clips and stainless 1/4"x1" bolts. I put the clips on up-side-down and installed the bolts from the bottom outward. After tightening they become studs. The white base slips over them and then nylon wingnuts spin on to secure the base. Like I said its not as cool as yours but I didn't have to mail order anything. The whole thing took less than an hour including running down to the hardware store.

Thanks for ideas. They motivated me to finally do the mod.
Rod, that is a very good workaround if can't get the quarter turn parts, which is looking more and more like what is coming to pass. Good idea!!!!
Glad ta help. I like the work around too. For a long time I was carrying a dag gone ratched around. It was a real pain until I dropped the bolts on the side of the road in the rain and INTO THE GRASS. Had to strap the hump down to get home. Oh I was pissed to the highest of pistivity that night. As well as I was soaked.

I couldnt get the wing nut idea to work at the time. I think I was more upset then anything. Thanks to Ulen all of his posts about the topic.

SierraFlyer, I was thinking of doing the same as you, but I didn't want loose wingsnuts I had keep track of.


I'm in Fairfield, so if you get some extras I'll buy them off you.
ok i got bored here in pa in the rain today, and i think i may have gone over board on my hump storage mod. i used a piece of piano hinge on the narrow side of the hump (Note: i had to trim a little off the mounting base end so it would pivot without hitting the hump) then i took apart the door of one of my wifes old cat carriers it has a nice small spring latch thingie that holds the door closed. a couple of quick bends in the spring loaded rods and i was ready to go. i cut two small channels in the mounting base and drilled a nice hole in each of the pillars for the spring loaded rods to slip into and wollah im done. two pop rivets to hold it to the base and works like a charm, and it hold it shut tight. tell me what you think

ok i got bored here in pa in the rain today, and i think i may have gone over board on my hump storage mod. i used a piece of piano hinge on the narrow side of the hump (Note: i had to trim a little off the mounting base end so it would pivot without hitting the hump) then i took apart the door of one of my wifes old cat carriers it has a nice small spring latch thingie that holds the door closed. a couple of quick bends in the spring loaded rods and i was ready to go. i cut two small channels in the mounting base and drilled a nice hole in each of the pillars for the spring loaded rods to slip into and wollah im done. two pop rivets to hold it to the base and works like a charm, and it hold it shut tight. tell me what you think [/QUOTE]

That's what I'm talkn about Playa/////// Jerry riggn it .. I must say out of all the hump modz I've seen this one take the cake. One question ///// is the spring load mech attached to the white base permately or is it just held in place while the arms protrude through the holes you drill in the base plate ?
yes its now attached with a couple pop rivets and works great. its a little crooked in the pic musta bumped it when i was takin the shot oh well it works awesome. thanks
That is over the top with the hinge design. Now all you need to do is stuff a drag chute in there and rig a release on the handle bars! Just kidding. it looks great.

Sane Man - I got the nylon wing nuts at the local ACE/True Value hardware store above the bolt bins. They even had some metal ones with Nylock washers in them. They were a little too hard to turn so I opted for the all nylon versions. I was concerned that the studs might turn in the clipnut if the resistance was too high. So far they haven't vibrated off. If they do, I will spin on some stainless nuts and then spin the nylon wingnuts down tight on the nut to lock them. I guess I will have to check the tightness of the hump each ride as part of the "preflight" so it doesn't fly off and kill something?
Why cant there be a way to remove the white plastic thing (but keeping the lock mech). That way there would be more to store stuff under the hump...not just in the hump. Anyone come up with a way to that?
Why cant there be a way to remove the white plastic thing (but keeping the lock mech). That way there would be more to store stuff under the hump...not just in the hump. Anyone come up with a way to that?
you definately could youd have to cut the center of the white section out between the front and back i thought about that as well but i hate doing thigs the easy way see if you can find a cracked hump on ebay cheep and use the white part from it to experiment with.
You could cut out a hole in the middle of the white piece with some success but I think if you cut the white part out completely from just behind the hooks to just in front of the latch braket, it would not be strong enough. The latch is forward of the mounting bolts and would torque around the bolts whenever a force was applied. Eventually this may crack the hump or break the white plastic. Similarly the hooks are going to flex a bit. It might make the hump fit more loosely and vibrate at speed as wind buffets it? But the latch would definately flex each time you push down on the hump to close it.

I like the "stash" effect of a removable white plate. Its a good place to hide whiskey. When I am digging into the hump for for my registration for the officer, the bottle won't be obvious or fall out on the ground.
SierraFlyer - you make a good point with the whiskey bottle or "whatever" hiding place....I think I'll stick to the mod as described above.
So you guys are telling me you can attach the sissy bar without cutting the hump at all. I'll really do that, cause I go back and forth quite frequently having a girl and all.  That screwing off the sissy bar every time is the pits.
d00d if you are drinking whiskey and riding a busa I hope you get caught....atleast you won't die that way:laugh:

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