I go to Mexico and it is dirty and disgusting. The system down there runs the same way. Dirty and disgusting. When the peeps come across the border they bring there dirty disgusting ways with them. The trust in authority is not engrained at a young age because of this. If anything, there is a general distrust for all authority because authority means power and power corrupts absolutely when not checked, like in most third world countries. Yes, Mexico is a third world country!I travel to L.A. a couple times a week and I live in San Diego. I have seen the proof of this. I could care less where you're from, just clean up after yourself and if "you" see trash in the road, wherever, clean it up! This country is starting to look like Mexico. At least this part of it..........UCK!
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Reason for Edit: "I like girls, they're delicious!"|1146210312 -->
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Reason for Edit: "I like girls, they're delicious!"|1146210312 -->