PaN, just take 400 up to 19 West, follow 19 it turns into 129, take 129 North, up to 180, take 180 south to 60, then take 60 east back to 129, nice little loop. Take a look at goodle map, it will all make sense then.
(Powers739 @ Apr. 08 2007,20:10) PaN, just take 400 up to 19 West, follow 19 it turns into 129, take 129 North, up to 180, take 180 south to 60, then take 60 east back to 129, nice little loop. Take a look at goodle map, it will all make sense then.
That's the loop, middle of the week run should be easy, low pressure from LEO. All the mountain roads are being monitored, but no more than normal, budget reasons.
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