1 John 2:16 NIV
“For everything in the world – the cravings of the sinful man, the lust of the eyes and the boasting of what he has and does – comes not from the Father but from the world.â€￾

Free Lance Christian? Who is Lance Christian and why is he being held?
Interesting counter-point. I don't agree 100% but it shows there are 2 sides to every story. These are not my words I found this on a wiki Q&A site while looking up information on what is going on in India. It is a reply to some other posts in the thread and references some of the other posters. Like I said it is a counter-point and the links are no more credible than any others I found so choose the truth you like the best. :beerchug:

" Why are proselytizing Christians on sacred Indian soil seeking to convert people from Sanatana Dharma? I believe the Christians are reeping what they have sowed. There have been many disrespectful, unscrupulous, sinister acts commited by Christians in Orissa, India. Just remember young fellow, that there are two sides to this story. I urge you to dig deeper because you are only sold one story. For those interested in the alternative viewpoint I present some websites. The question is :Will you Mr. P, and others with the wool pulled over their eyes explore the other side of the story? Are Christians actually instigating Hindus on their sacred soil? This situation is very complex and your pastor does not have a clue as to what is actually happening in Orissa or other parts of India and the globe itself. Why do Christians feel the need to enter foreign lands seeking to convert the natives into their religious fold? Is it possible that this practice just might ruffle some feathers, so to speak? The truth has existed in India for thousands of years prior to the birth of Christ. The arrogance of Christianity would dishearten even Christ himself. I pray that every crusading Christian leaves India once and for all."

Crusade Watch, Religious Conversion Watch, Evangelism watch...

Christian Aggression
There are some very interesting points here, although I'm not sure about the references to what makes or doesn't make someone a Christian, i.e.; James Bond, free lance christian (I like the play on words, Dino).

So much has been done against mankind in the name of Christianity (and been called progress!), I'm sure it's apalling (sp?) to the Creator. Many things I've seen people do as part of the "Great Commission" (Matthew 28:18) and yet have seem to bring more shame on the gospel than the Isaiah 61 proclamation of Jesus in the temple.

From the circumstances of these days it would appear that those who will be the persecutors of the body of Christ will, in fact, be the very body of Christ that was commissioned and sent out.

Didn't Jesus say the birds of the air have nests, etc., but the son of man has nowhere to lay his head? And yet the Church of God this day proclaims riches and glory on this earth for all who will come and give themselves to the CofG for 'God will bless you beyond your wildest dreams!'. That wouldn't go over with the persecuted Christians of the world who have given all to take up the cross and follow Him.

There are, in all parts of the world, those who want to know about their purpose in life and position in creation, be them Hindu, Islamic, Jesuit, heretic. We do have a responsiblilty to feed those who are hungry, give sight to those who are blind, bind up the wounded and broken hearted, set free those who are held captive (Free Lance Christian!!! :laugh: ). It's just that the message has come down to more of 'what's in it for me?' than what's in it for sad...:please:

From John 15:
"I've told you these things for a purpose: that my joy might be your joy, and your joy wholly mature. This is my command: Love on another the way I loved you. This is the very best way to love. Put your life on the line for your friends, You are my friends when you do the things I command you. I'm no longer calling you seveants because servants don't understand what their master is thinking and planning. No, I've named you friends because I've let you in on everything I've heard from the Father."

"Remember the root command: Love one another." :thumbsup: :beerchug:
There are some very interesting points here, although I'm not sure about the references to what makes or doesn't make someone a Christian, i.e.; James Bond, free lance christian (I like the play on words, Dino).

So much has been done against mankind in the name of Christianity (and been called progress!), I'm sure it's apalling (sp?) to the Creator. Many things I've seen people do as part of the "Great Commission" (Matthew 28:18) and yet have seem to bring more shame on the gospel than the Isaiah 61 proclamation of Jesus in the temple.

From the circumstances of these days it would appear that those who will be the persecutors of the body of Christ will, in fact, be the very body of Christ that was commissioned and sent out.

Didn't Jesus say the birds of the air have nests, etc., but the son of man has nowhere to lay his head? And yet the Church of God this day proclaims riches and glory on this earth for all who will come and give themselves to the CofG for 'God will bless you beyond your wildest dreams!'. That wouldn't go over with the persecuted Christians of the world who have given all to take up the cross and follow Him.

There are, in all parts of the world, those who want to know about their purpose in life and position in creation, be them Hindu, Islamic, Jesuit, heretic. We do have a responsiblilty to feed those who are hungry, give sight to those who are blind, bind up the wounded and broken hearted, set free those who are held captive (Free Lance Christian!!! :laugh: ). Do you think that it is possible to force feed the message and do you think that is what is going on in many parts of the world? It's just that the message has come down to more of 'what's in it for me?' than what's in it for sad...:please:

From John 15:
"I've told you these things for a purpose: that my joy might be your joy, and your joy wholly mature. This is my command: Love on another the way I loved you. This is the very best way to love. Put your life on the line for your friends, You are my friends when you do the things I command you. I'm no longer calling you seveants because servants don't understand what their master is thinking and planning. No, I've named you friends because I've let you in on everything I've heard from the Father."

"Remember the root command: Love one another." :thumbsup: :beerchug:

So are you saying you will not be getting a shirt?

Just Kidding, good words here. Please note the question in green.

I do believe that there is a lot of counter-productive force feeding going on. Way too much "Do as I say not as I do". I can wear all kinds of T-Shirts and paraphernalia proclaiming my faith but isn't it better to just set an example? Frankly I find these items of clothing tacky and don't think they do a whole lot except make money for the sellers. Let me know you are a Christian by the way you treat others not be the latest fad t-shirt. :thumbsup:

Love is my religion - Ziggy Marley
Do you think that it is possible to force feed the message and do you think that is what is going on in many parts of the world? OK SO I USED LIME.
hey, Dino...

How interesting to note that where ever Jesus went, people followed him. I'm not sure I read too many accounts of him coming into a country/land and trying to overthrow whatever contemporary religion of the day there was. If there was anything to be thrown over it was the money changers' tables in the temple. (For shame setting up a table in the church to get others to buy up what they couldn't provide for themselves; a suitable sacrifice to present to the priests in observance of the law.)

Most of the time I read of the recorded events of his travels as a way of moving among others with need, speaking to the questions of the heart, giving hope to the worried/wearied mind. As the word spread of this new testament of God, people began to see the overbearing expectations of religion as a weight keeping them from the One whose wooing through his Son was so compeling they would easily leave everything to 'follow' Him.

Yes, there were, and are always going to be, those of us who feel too much is required, especially when we aren't sure as to why any of it is (required that is). Trust the Creator of the heart to know how to grow us into His likeness and image, in spit of the religious medicine shows of these days, by bringing to us opportunities to get to know Him in and through the life we are born to live.

I just hope we are seeking Him in the process, and not some sweet sounding, ground pounding, loudspeaker for the cause of Christ. Kind of like kissing the milkman expecting him to convey your love to your wife and them the wifey leaves with the milkman....sour milk, if you ask me. :beerchug:
hey, Dino...

How interesting to note that where ever Jesus went, people followed him. I'm not sure I read too many accounts of him coming into a country/land and trying to overthrow whatever contemporary religion of the day there was. If there was anything to be thrown over it was the money changers' tables in the temple. (For shame setting up a table in the church to get others to buy up what they couldn't provide for themselves; a suitable sacrifice to present to the priests in observance of the law.)

Most of the time I read of the recorded events of his travels as a way of moving among others with need, speaking to the questions of the heart, giving hope to the worried/wearied mind. As the word spread of this new testament of God, people began to see the overbearing expectations of religion as a weight keeping them from the One whose wooing through his Son was so compeling they would easily leave everything to 'follow' Him.

Yes, there were, and are always going to be, those of us who feel too much is required, especially when we aren't sure as to why any of it is (required that is). Trust the Creator of the heart to know how to grow us into His likeness and image, in spit of the religious medicine shows of these days, by bringing to us opportunities to get to know Him in and through the life we are born to live.

I just hope we are seeking Him in the process, and not some sweet sounding, ground pounding, loudspeaker for the cause of Christ. Kind of like kissing the milkman expecting him to convey your love to your wife and them the wifey leaves with the milkman....sour milk, if you ask me. :beerchug:

Well said... :beerchug:
Those that fear The Truth will put up the biggest fights..... :oldcool: I'm envisioning someone in particular.....:whistle:
I feel you on this. There are way too many double standards in this world regarding what is ok and what isn't. Press on!
They say there Christians but don't follow the bible or attend church.Kind of doing it there own way.MY pastor said in church if any free lance Christan's here hit the door!!!

This makes me laugh. :laugh:
1. They are in Church at the time he's telling them to leave.
2. Why would a man of God not want to share his words with all who are within his Church. Especially those who have doubt? Not in it for the money and that attitude(lacking compassion)? Must be a fanatic! :whistle:
3. The pastor should encourage people to stay and hear his words of wisdom. Show how the belief in "Our Lord" can enlighten their lives.
This makes me laugh. :laugh:
1. They are in Church at the time he's telling them to leave.
2. Why would a man of God not want to share his words with all who are within his Church. Especially those who have doubt? Not in it for the money and that attitude(lacking compassion)? Must be a fanatic! :whistle:
3. The pastor should encourage people to stay and hear his words of wisdom. Show how the belief in "Our Lord" can enlighten their lives.

Well Said !!!! ftw

to live is christ, to die is gain.

HEHH figured you'd be trying to pimp your church.

For those who see and wonder about that link I posted its not an atnti-christ type place. But at first impact someone proabably was insulted(prior to link). Trying to prove a point here mostly is all and have fun doing it. :laugh:

I particually like the Ghost hunt insurance. :thumbsup:
This makes me laugh. :laugh:
1. They are in Church at the time he's telling them to leave.
2. Why would a man of God not want to share his words with all who are within his Church. Especially those who have doubt? Not in it for the money and that attitude(lacking compassion)? Must be a fanatic! :whistle:
3. The pastor should encourage people to stay and hear his words of wisdom. Show how the belief in "Our Lord" can enlighten their lives.

SO the ones in it 4 the $$$ are better? No thanks
I dont think he want argue with people.
They dont believe in the bible they might be better off elsewere.

I find it funny that some dont believe in testament of bible
However they get on a airplane do they ask see piolts lisence +exp leval no.
They go 2 docter do they ask see his grades from med school ???No
They get pills @ drugstore ask 4 breakdown what is in them? no
Thats because they must beleive in the testament of those people they must.

Look I like that shirt+orderd 1 if you dont thats fine.
I dont like discuss religion on internet .
That + politics I try stay away from.

Most people dont have time 4 church or read the bible to busy.
Then if find out going die suddenly they care about it.
:laugh: I never said I didnt like the shirt..... Never even mentioned it.

Also I think What I said went totally over your head.
1. Don't be so defensive.
2. Ask someone to read your comment that I quoted and then mine.
3. I'll save you 1 and 2. I only said your pastor should welcome all into the listening of his prayers at whatever point in life a person chooses. As that one moment could make a life changing difference in them.