I'm going to Florida to kick some a$$!!!

Interesting...  REal problem is that Concealed carry doesn't do #### to prevent crime.  Not ONE SINGLE crime has been avoided because of a concealed weapon.  BUT, there are alot of "Gun Tough" undertrained freaking nutjobs out there who seem to think that their concealed weapon=toughguy.

I see it up here as well.  Washingtons concealed carry is easier and faster to get hold of than Florida, and for the most part I support the concealed carry permit issuance.  BUT I would rather see open carry as the rule.  You want crimes PREVENTED?  Issue OPEN CARRY...  Hell, no one mugs a guy with a revolver on his hip...  Besides, it would be a great excuse to spend a little money and tune and customize your carry weapon...  

Make it all purty.

Anyhoo this legislation is kind of dumb, but also kind of common sense.  I mean hell I don't need a law to allow me to shoot back when being shot at.

 I couldn't possibly disagree with you more on each and every point you expressed.  

 First, Concealed carry has never prevented a single crime??  Pick up an issue of either of the two NRA magazines and read the Armed Citizen section. Each month about 15 true stories are mentioned. It happens every day, all over the county.

Second, compare crime stats to concealed carry demographics.  Plain as day, the facts don't lie.

Third,  No one mugs a guy with a revolver on his hip??  Wanna bet??  Gun grab situations are the main reason the days of open carry are over for good.  

Other than those minor points, I totally agree with you ;)

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Interesting...  REal problem is that Concealed carry doesn't do #### to prevent crime.  Not ONE SINGLE crime has been avoided because of a concealed weapon.  BUT, there are alot of "Gun Tough" undertrained freaking nutjobs out there who seem to think that their concealed weapon=toughguy.

I see it up here as well.  Washingtons concealed carry is easier and faster to get hold of than Florida, and for the most part I support the concealed carry permit issuance.  BUT I would rather see open carry as the rule.  You want crimes PREVENTED?  Issue OPEN CARRY...  Hell, no one mugs a guy with a revolver on his hip...  Besides, it would be a great excuse to spend a little money and tune and customize your carry weapon...  

Make it all purty.

Anyhoo this legislation is kind of dumb, but also kind of common sense.  I mean hell I don't need a law to allow me to shoot back when being shot at.

 I couldn't possibly disagree with you more on each and every point you expressed.  

 First, Concealed carry has never prevented a single crime??  Pick up an issue of either of the two NRA magazines and read the Armed Citizen section. Each month about 15 true stories are mentioned. It happens every day, all over the county.

Second, compare crime stats to concealed carry demographics.  Plain as day, the facts don't lie.

Third,  No one mugs a guy with a revolver on his hip??  Wanna bet??   Gun grab situations are the main reason the days of open carry are over for good.  

Other than those minor points, I totally agree with you ;)
Man...Chill the freak out...

Just bring a knife to a gun fight...

Who am I???
Alright, alright..........I'm pickin' up my '05 on Friday and I'm wound up tighter than a fart in a jar.
Can't we just skip thursday this week???


Just trying to point out facts, nothing more.
Interesting...  REal problem is that Concealed carry doesn't do #### to prevent crime.  Not ONE SINGLE crime has been avoided because of a concealed weapon.
Hey Rev, not sure if this counts or not but last week during the whole Terri Shiavo thing, some nutjob from up north somewhere while protesting at the Hospice decided he was going to steal a gun from a nearby gun shop and take things into his own hands. #1, you have to be a real idiot to try to rob a gun store, ALL GUN STORE OWNERS ARE PACKING HEAT. I think the guy pulled a knife on the owner, the owner pulled the gun and took him down until the police arrived. Now that I think of it, it doesn't count because as the law reads now, If I did that I would go to jail. The only time it's allowable to pull my gun is if I need to use it.
sounds to me like they are passing the right to give an ass whooping to anyone that is asking for it.... I got no problem there...

Interesting...  REal problem is that Concealed carry doesn't do #### to prevent crime.  Not ONE SINGLE crime has been avoided because of a concealed weapon.  BUT, there are alot of "Gun Tough" undertrained freaking nutjobs out there who seem to think that their concealed weapon=toughguy.

I see it up here as well.  Washingtons concealed carry is easier and faster to get hold of than Florida, and for the most part I support the concealed carry permit issuance.  BUT I would rather see open carry as the rule.  You want crimes PREVENTED?  Issue OPEN CARRY...  Hell, no one mugs a guy with a revolver on his hip...  Besides, it would be a great excuse to spend a little money and tune and customize your carry weapon...  

Make it all purty.

Anyhoo this legislation is kind of dumb, but also kind of common sense.  I mean hell I don't need a law to allow me to shoot back when being shot at.
this is unfortunetly true... A person feels safer, more confident when they are carrying a weapon... I used to carry plenty around when I was a teenybopper... Then one day I realized that I couldn't trust myself with them. If provoked in the wrong manor give the right circumstances, I really thought things could go drastically wrong all because of an ego trip. If you don't have anything on ya, it sure makes running to fight another day look all that more appealing. With a little luck, both parties may live out their stupidity...

Didn't Flordia see a decrease in violent crime following the enactment of the Concealed Carry law in the 90's. I think they did.

This new bill, as it appears to me, will decrease the chances of being maliciously sued by criminals family members after the event.

One thing that I teach my students is that you should EXPECT TO be sued and or arrested if you ever defend your life with deadly force. It is a sad reality.

What's that old cliche, "Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6".

Chris (NC Concealed Carry instructor/NRA certified firearms instructor)
Am I the only one reading this or am I reading it wrong? It says you can use the same force used against you. So if someone is punching you, you cant just whip out a AK and gun them down. I assumed in Maine it was already this way. Kind of a joke around here is if someone is in your yard and you shoot them make sure they get past the threshold of the door so they where in your house.
I don't think wild wild west here... I am thinking its about time we put some power back into the victims hands. Maybe the thug will think twice before he harrasses the next person.
I am pretty sure in Maine you can also carry a non concealed firearm as long as its not loaded. Not 100% sure though. Funny thing I got my concealed weapons permit easy and they never give you any instructions or laws to follow at all

 That Maine law is one I could never understand and it's often sited in magazine articles and discussions.  As far as getting a permit, I feel a darn good profficiency test should be required.  If for no other reason, for the safety of the person getting it! Years ago when I lived in NY, it was very easy also. I basically went the the Sharriffs office filled out the form and got fingerprinted, a few days later it was in the mailbox. Florida requires a class that depending on where you take it can be very good and informative regarding the laws, etc.

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OK...Let's try to put this in perspective...Most criminals plan what they are going to do...Most victims react to what has happened to them...So action/reaction...Done...Now if two commons are at the club and one steps on the others gators and a confrontration developes then we can look at the application of this stature...In the past the aggressive person would have had a civil edge in this senario but now the odds are even...The aggressive person states "I'm gonna whoop you" now the civil person can simply smack him on his butt without having to have actually been assaulted to defend him/her self...

I think it's only good for misdeameanor type assaults and want have any bearing on felony assaults...
I don't carry a gun, but I'm in favor of giving some rights back to us instead of the criminals. I like the fact that before if someone broke into your house, you had to prove you were in "fear of your life" and do everything possible to get away before you could kill someone. Now your covered no questions asked.