~~ I'm moving East ~~


why ask why
Donating Member

32 degrees..freeze warnings..windy..

I think I woke up back in Indiana!

Better charge the battery in the Busa today. Ought to be about dead.


Freeze warning in effect until 9 AM pst /10 AM mst/ this morning.
High: 48
Sunny...breezy. Highs in the upper 40s. North wind 15 to 25 mph with gusts to around 35 mph.
Low: 32
Clear...breezy. Lows in the lower 30s. North wind 15 to 25 mph with gusts to around 35 mph.

It is suppose to be close to 70 deg here in the DC metro area. Talk about crazy!!!! Not complaining however
Just seen the news, the warm weather will be gone tomorrow. They are predicting cold again!!!
(basscrazy @ Jan. 15 2007,06:53) Just seen the news, the warm weather will be gone tomorrow.  They are predicting cold again!!!
yeah..you can have this stuff here...

I hear ya! I woke up here in Northern California to a brisk 24 degrees. What am I, back in Ohio???
Nothing to do with Global warming guys, our goverment have put a tax on airfares. It seems that if you pay this tax it helps the ozone layer, my A$$
YEA!!! no shat. I got dressed having alittle breakfest and turned on the news (4:45am). The weather comes on saying its 22 degrees
. I ride every day to work, so I though how bad could it be. Well let just say my nuts have not droped yet.
I will try anything once (almost) that was the once. I thought cool MLK day no cagers, funny thing is you start with doing the speed limit then the colder I got the faster I went. Lets just say I made it to work in record time.

24 degrees right now 6:00am


as you can see RP here. I was just over there saturday for the Easyrider show.
sorry Spike
A friend had his bike in it. We were planing on riding, but we had to make a choice ride in 30 degree for 2 hours or ride in the RV. After my buddies dad drove up with the RV and Keg my mind was made up. Man did they screw us on parking, you see the $5 parking soon as you go in its a special event so it was $15 a spot. Yea $15 a spot the RV took 5 spots $75 bucks to park. We were just lucky we had so many people with us.
finaly a you posted a weather report that sucks

1 bad out of a killbillion.
lets trade houses
Headed into work with temp at a balmy 16F this morning. According to weather channel this morning it may hit 30F this afternoon... what the heck is going on? I am use to 40F this time of the year.
76* and Sunny here...this is when suffering through the rainy/muggy months of July-Sept. pay off.