I like the "SOUND" of the idea, however after investigating 14 years of traffic crashes, more fatal's than Id like to share I have to say that with everything going on that the cell phone is usually never "FOUND" during the 1st few min's that information is needed. The "ICE" idea has been around for quite awhile. Never passed around at the post ref doing it. Quicker for us to contact the registered owner and look for a driver's license. We have to make contact with significant others in PERSON anyway. During the crash the phone is usually thrown the furthest, crushed, covered in guts, or under a jammed seat. Purse and wallet are usually kept more sacret. IMO please put a laminated UPDATED card in your wallet/purse in the FRONT with
NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER, EMERGENCY CONTACT #, SPOUSES INFORMATION, ALLERGY INFORMATION, and any serious medical information. It's the first place "WE" look! If everyone would attache a lugguge tag inside the young childs pocket with that on there man would my job be easy when mom's hurnt and knocked out, we can get family to JR.
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NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER, EMERGENCY CONTACT #, SPOUSES INFORMATION, ALLERGY INFORMATION, and any serious medical information. It's the first place "WE" look! If everyone would attache a lugguge tag inside the young childs pocket with that on there man would my job be easy when mom's hurnt and knocked out, we can get family to JR.
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