IN LOVING MEMORY OF JORGE MONSALVE, Updated with comments from his mother

Another New Year without you Jorgie!! I love and miss you so much.. I hope the big man up in heaven has been telling how much I miss you, in my prayers. Moms memories of you will never fade!! I will always remember how much you loved that busa. I just love and miss you so much Angel. Love Mom xoxo

May GOD bless you and help ease your pain.
Gone but not forgotten :down:

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Can't we let the poor guy R.I.P, this thread is over six years old..

Well since his mother is a member here and still posts in this thread...I guess it is up to her!
I say the thread ends when the love for her son does but that is me.
@ Trax the point is gone but NOT FORGOTTEN. U will understand if you loss someone Close to U...
Trax his mom is the one who bumped it up.
Her son is gone but not forgotten by us or her.

BMiG as always let me know if you need anything. I'm always close.
Im sorry Trax if the thread of my son's memory bugs you. I hope that you never loose a child! Its the worst thing!! I do visit the Org now and then and put up a post in memory of my son. And I will continue to do so. Please dont read it if it will make you angry because its a old thread. My son's memory is not a old memory!! And thank you to the other Org members for their support!! ( of 6 Years )And reading Jorge's thread. Happy New Year & Ride Safe.. Kare
Busa Mom,
Keeping your son in memory on this site is a tribute and a true testimony of your everlasting love for him. Most of us know the feeling of losing a fellow rider and we all pray that it never happens too close to home. You have kept his spirit alive in all of us and I hope you understand how much we pray for your peace. I, for one, ride like there is no tomorrow and keep other riders close to the heart. Know this: As long as we ride with his memory, he will always be riding with us.
May God's blessings be upon you and know that we are always here for you.
Take care, Be safe and may God Bless!
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always
At your back,
May the sun shine warm
upon your face,
And the rains fall soft
Upon your fields,
And until the two of you meet again,
may God hold you
In the palm of His hand.
Thanks Bubba, Your so awesome and sweet. thanks again and ride safe
Busa Mom,
Keeping your son in memory on this site is a tribute and a true testimony of your everlasting love for him. Most of us know the feeling of losing a fellow rider and we all pray that it never happens too close to home. You have kept his spirit alive in all of us and I hope you understand how much we pray for your peace. I, for one, ride like there is no tomorrow and keep other riders close to the heart. Know this: As long as we ride with his memory, he will always be riding with us.
May God's blessings be upon you and know that we are always here for you.
Take care, Be safe and may God Bless!