Mikey - If Walter heard you, forget about Tammy for the moment.. Apologize to Walter.
I love my boys to death, as I am sure you do.. And yes sometimes it gets a little frustrating with all the demands on us..
But check this out.. The demands placed on us are not crap compared to what most of our wives have to deal with.
Most wife’s handle 3 times the home workload that men do without even batting an eye.
Most of us guys would fail miserably if we had to run and manage a household, I am not saying we could not do it, but we could not do it as well as a woman can. We are good at making money, making kids and grunting a lot. Women are good at everything else, they are awesome at multi tasking, ensuring that everyone’s needs in the household are met.
For the most part all us guys have to do is worry about ourselves.
So, for you to get upset about having to take a cage and make an outward comment about it, you have done the following:
1) If your son heard it, you have just made him feel like your bike and YOUR needs are way more important than his, not good for someone’s self esteem.
2) Your wife might be largely pissed because as a woman she knows number one previously mentioned, remember, women are very protective over their young, they don’t want anyone to hurt there young, and if she perceived your comment might have hurt Walters feelings she is going to get pissed on his behalf and stand up for him.
3) Because women do so much and take care of so much (generally speaking, yes there are women that are not worth a crap, but honestly most are). Once in awhile they need a break. A good woman is usually so giving us guys need to make them take breaks once in awhile, and we especially need to be there for them when they tell us they need a Break.
Us guys are supposed to be head of the household, that doesn’t mean we manage it, that means we keep it under control, we ensure everyone is happy, we are the peace makers and peace keepers and the providers. We need to monitor how everyone is in our household, especially our wives, we need to sense and KNOW when they need a break before they do. And we need to ensure they get that break before they explode.
If we are not doing what we are supposed to be doing as men and fathers and husbands, how can we expect our wives to be able to mange what they are trying to manage as women, wives and mothers.
The burden is on us bro’s to make sure our household is in order. If we are doing what we are SUPPOSED to be doing as men, most wives will WANT to make us happy.
Ok, there is your chastising fore the day Mikey, If you said what you did in front of Walter, take Walter and your wife into a room together, apologize to Walter for maybe making him feel bad, tell him you just brain farted and that you love him very much, and do this in front of your wife and I think things will be ok.
My family comes first, if I am planning on going for a ling bike ride, I ask my wife if she minds.. Am I whipped? Fug NO!! I show my wife the respect she deserves. If she doesn’t want me to ride for some reason, I don’t go, I put her needs and desires first.
You guys want to know what that gets me?
I went to check out a bike club last Saturday night. She didn’t care, I could have been gone all night. As a matter of fact I got in about 11:30 and everyone was sleeping, about 5:30 I had woken up and was on the computer, came back to bed about 5:45 and she woke up, looked at the clock and she said “your home already?†she had thought I just got home. She don’t care. She trusts me and because I show her respect she doesn’t give me a bunch of grief
I told her that I was planning on taking a cruise to San Diego in a few weeks, I figured I would take the twisties to the coast and ride PCH to San Diego and stay there for the weekend, her only comment was “where you going to stay†I said the Navy lodge on North Island†and she said “okâ€
Point is guys, put your wives and family first, and 9 times out of 10, your wife wont give you grief about most things.
Ok, this was one long arse post… hmm RSD will be slamming me for siding with women AND making a long post, Mikey will probably go out and hang himself now because of the long post and everone else’s eyes are now dry and wont close.
Muah ha ha
Peace out hehehehe