Info about warranty? Leaking oil????

Big Moe

How do you find out if you are still covered under factory warranty or when it expires? I read on Suzukis website that the warranty follows the bike and I really hope its still good! I purchased my '08 from another person last may which he purchased brand new in March 2011 from a dealer in FL. I had just finished riding and saw a lil oil, so I pop the right fairing and see what you see in the pix! My heart dropped!! Does anyone know what could be going on here? Im heart broken over here man?!! I guess I will have to wait to contact a local dealer on Mon to see whats gonna happen. Hope its not too serious! Thanks in advance Fam.



I would think you would be covered until March under the 12 month warranty?

from Suzuki Site FAQ...
"Can I transfer the warranty?
The Warranty follows the vehicle; however your local dealer can update Suzuki’s Records."
You should take it to your local dealer and they can check with Suzuki to find out where and when it was purchased as well as confirm the warranty.

I would imagine the dealer will tell you to clean it up and run it for a while to see if it's actually leaking. Could have been a little weep from the gasket when it was installed?
It's an 08. Bike only has a one year warranty on it no matter how many folks own it.
If it was sold new in march 2011 it covered till this march or 12,000 miles whichever comes first
was the first thing that came to mind when I saw the pics also.

Thanks for the input everyone, it is greatly appreciated! I think I found the issue. As you can see from the pic, is seems as it is just as the fellas up top stated. The gasket! If I take it to the dealership do you think they will pull the old gasket and install a new one or try to patch it? Thanks!


Can't patch a gasket. You either remove cover and reuse it or replace it with a new one.
Most likely they will just put a new one on it.
Can't patch a gasket. You either remove cover and reuse it or replace it with a new one.
Most likely they will just put a new one on it.

Oh ok cool! And by the way Blanca, I watched your tutorial this morning to get the plastics off. This morning was my first time taking off Gen II plastics! Thanks Bro!
I'd bet money the valve cover has been off that bike before. Previous owner mention any work being done to it?
Your welcome. My only concern is that the dealer may not want to mess with it. It is like a two hour job or longer to fix a two dollar gasket. They may tell you to keep an eye on it and let them know if it gets worse?
Only a dealer who cares will fix want to fix it. Warranty or not a lot of places don't want to mess with warranty repairs because it pays the dealer the absolute minimum in parts and labor.

Clean it up, wipe all of it off, check oil level and ride it a couple times. See if it seeps again and again or if it's just a teensy weensy bit.
I'd bet money the valve cover has been off that bike before. Previous owner mention any work being done to it?

Could be. Moe have you checked the valve cover bolts to see if they are all tight?
Do any of the heads look like a socket has been on them once or twice?
Unfortunately these things happen.
My oil pan gasket started leaking after only a few thousand miles on my gen2, and I fixed it myself(I refuse to let the dealer work on my bike).
My friend's '11 with around 3k miles started leaking alot of oil around the pan gasket.
He took it to the local dealer he bought it at.
He was asked by them "If he had been riding wheelies on the bike? As that would have caused it."
He hadn't been wheelieing the bike, and told them that it didn't matter what he did with it, it was warranty and they better fix it. They did.
Good luck finding a competant dealer.
The factory warranty IS transferable, and if it is under 1yr from the new sale date and/or 12k miles, they must fix it.:thumbsup:
Could be. Moe have you checked the valve cover bolts to see if they are all tight?
Do any of the heads look like a socket has been on them once or twice?

Yes I have checked the bolts and they have not been touched. Believe me thats one of the first things I looked at. I just got off the phone with the guy I bought it from and confirmed the date of purchase and he is faxing me all the info so that when i go in there tomorrow I have all the correct info. I also cleaned it up and rode her again and the same thing. Man I dont want them wrenchin on my baby!!
14000 miles on my 08 and just ordered a new gasket from Justin at honda east:cheerleader:. Just started leaking out of no where and never had the cover off. Maybe some of us just have bad luck.
14000 miles on my 08 and just ordered a new gasket from Justin at honda east:cheerleader:. Just started leaking out of no where and never had the cover off. Maybe some of us just have bad luck.

Cool, what kinda skill level is this job? Im pretty mechanically inclined, but do you have to pull the block for that?
Yes I have checked the bolts and they have not been touched. Believe me thats one of the first things I looked at. I just got off the phone with the guy I bought it from and confirmed the date of purchase and he is faxing me all the info so that when i go in there tomorrow I have all the correct info. I also cleaned it up and rode her again and the same thing. Man I dont want them wrenchin on my baby!!

Well then with the orgs help why not just do it yourself right?