I know where those are- and I am not afraid to use them!!!
So I took another two year sabbatical... after VABusa contacted me for your banner I decided to take another look around the board again. I too miss the old-timers, and will try better to pop in more frequently. Glad to see you on here RSD. I hope all is well with you.
That is awesome. I grew a lightening bolt shaped patch of hair on the back of my head and colored it to match my Busa.
I think it was that bastid Revlis who nick-named my bike "The Smurf-Sickle" because of the color I painted it.hahaha.
Ahhhh...the good ol' day. Thanks Michelle. (if I could get the original of this banner sent to me,I would be greatful)
Who's the man? "You Da Man" Thanks,Bro.I love these long-time members. Postal joined 4 months before me,back when there was about 10-20 of us who posted on a regular basis.
I'm still looking for the Terminator / Moderator banner. It's funny how I could only find the smurf version... I'll check my backup drives tonight once I'm home from work as it might be on an old backup of my website from back then. I'm not sure you need it though... You look pretty badass in that smurf shirt.
Always good to see you posting up here RSD! Some great and funny memories here. Anyone remember Kerbos666? Man, he kept it lively....
She does bear a striking resemblance to you... I'm sure it's a twin separation at birth type of scenario.
I think I'm offended![]()
I am regretting getting in touch with Warren right now![]()