Inspection and exhaust

The law now says you can have any aftermarket exhaust as long as it is 50 state legal and no more than 95 decibles. The manual says stock or OEM replacement no louder than 95 decibles. But he doesnt know exactly how to check it like do you have to rev it to redline idle or crusing speed?

I read that on the website and I agree with you, at what point does one measure the decibles?

Anyway, I have a small shop in Scarborough that will inspect it. It is owned by Suzuki riders.

I just went to the Reynolds website.  They are the A_holes that flat out refused to Inspect the Busa and saw a used ZX-12 with a full Muzzy exhaust.

Now if they won't inspect after market pipes on bikes, how can they sell a used motorcycle that "can't pass inspection".  I believe I read somewhere that If a dealer sells a used vehicle, they have to bring said vehicle to inspection status.  I guess Reynolds will have to buy a stock exhaust and put it on the ZX-12.  I am going over there tomorrow and ask them about this!
You know the thing that pisses me off the most, it’s the Harley owner.  They have ruined it for everyone in the state.  A Harley and the noise is like a man and his di_k.  No noise no Harley, no di_k no man.

I always hear a Harley ‘getting on it’ at every stop light down town and rarely hear a metric bike f_ck off in traffic.  I like to work the Busa in the sticks where no cops or people are around.  It is pathetic to ride around on a $20,000 bike and all you have to show for it is a lot of noise and no performance.

Oh well, their loss!!!