Any advantage to going down on teeth in the front vs going up in teeth in the back?
adding to the back would be shorter wheelbase but not much.
Went back and forth on this. Had the bike apart for the exhaust and PAIR work then buttoned it all back up. It stayed that way for 1 day then tore down the left side and went ahead and swapped the 17 tooth with a Vortex 16t.
How long did it take to install? Any special tools?
Have you taken her out for a ride yet Rodney she is going to feel like a new bikeI would also get a speedohealer as well so you can correct the speedo trust me on this one it is off more than you think.
Going up in the back is less wear/tear on the chain - it doesn't have to work as hard as dropping a tooth in the front. Drop one in the front is about the equivalent of going up 2.5 or so in the rear....something along those lines. Go +3 on the rear for a real awakening.Any advantage to going down on teeth in the front vs going up in teeth in the back?
adding to the back would be shorter wheelbase but not much.
Shouldnt use put on a new chain as well when swapping gears?