Installed sliders

One thing I realized after I removed the first side is I didn;t have the bolt torque specs. I used my torque wrench to remove the bolts, and through trial and error, I found them to be at +/- 250ftlbs. Does that sound right?


Looking good, hope you never have to use them....That is why I got some that look pretty cool. Man I hope I never have to use them either, time will tell

They look good. Great job. I used a hex key, ground to a point. Worked good.
Looks great,

When I did my 01 a few years back I used Playdough stuck to the back of the fairing and shoved a dowel in the hole, then used a center punch to mark the center, removed the playdough and drilled the hole, but my angle was off, thats a good idea to put the back on and drill the hole, I am definetly going to use your method when I install them on my 06..

PS , I bought a TL1000R that had some minor scarring on it and I heated it up with a buffer and some gritty rubbing compound, and they were hardly noticable, Im not sure how bad yours are, but just an idea
You did a very good job on that.

Great work!

Also, in addition to covering the mark area with tape as TML has said, put the drill in reverse when cutting through your fairing. This will help you feel more confident during the process by avoiding the grabbing (biting) of the holes saw smooth cutout.

This same method is used when cutting house vinly siding.


LQQk good TML