Insurance Rates

I am new here, I go through American Family I pay like 63.00 a month full coverage, 1000 Deduct, I am 35 and have 2 speeding tickets, als have my house and cars through them, 1996 Mustang GT, 06 Honda Civic, 2000 Chevy Silverado 4X4, all with full coverage I think it come to like around 2600 a year for all of them, Oh I got a 06 BUSA
State Farm doesn't rate their quotes on bike style but engine size i think. I had my vtx1300 ins with proggresive but had to go with state farm on the gsxr600. Since the honda is gone and the busa is here state farm has it all. Don't tell them they are cheaper or they may go up
lol everyone here has it good.
Granted, I am an 18y/o male with 1 speeding ticket.
I am paying 1200/year for BASIC LIABILITY! No damage/theaft, no uninsured motorist, no nothing! just the bare essential to be able to ride. If I wanted full coverage, the best I could find was 8K A YEAR!
32.00 month with state farm for full coverage on the 08 busa. i checked several, the trick is to switch your cars and boat etc.. it may be a few dollars more a month for your auto/boat coverage, but that is way offset by the savings on the bike. oh yeah, 32 y.o. no tickets and married. however, the wife has had several accidents and a ticket or two on the same policy with her cars. never went up.
Full coverage for my 03 is 116 every 6 months with 250 deductible. They also have my house, my toyota supra and my wifes altima.

06 busa full coverage 494 year 1000 deductible, discounted for house and 3 cars in maryland.
im 34

i can switch to liability during winter which comes down to $140 for the year :cheerleader:
I don't know what SF's problem is with me, they aren't quoting me anywhere near those rates. I'm 31, married, no tickets or claims in the last 10 years. I'm totally clean with 15 years riding experience. They want $1238 a year for full coverage with $500 deductible on my '07. That's no better than Geico.
I don't know what SF's problem is with me, they aren't quoting me anywhere near those rates. I'm 31, married, no tickets or claims in the last 10 years. I'm totally clean with 15 years riding experience. They want $1238 a year for full coverage with $500 deductible on my '07. That's no better than Geico.

is that the only premium you are requesting from them? to get their good rates, you have to have at least one other thing (cage, renter's or homeowner's, life, etc.) to get their good rates...if you are only covering the Busa, it will be way too expensive :beerchug:
I have state farm for the busa, but I also have 2 vans, and my home owners insurance thru them. Thats why I get the better rate. $485/yr full coverage for the busa.
I just got insurance through State Farm $1068.00/yr full coverage on a 08 busa, only have the bike on the policy. I'm 26 married with a clean record.
1300 Bucks for the 06 , and 2100 bucks for the 08
one ticket in 2007 Progressive....
Thanks for the tip.. will be checking into State Farm !
State Farm. $320/yr full coverage. 35, married, live in Washington state. Nothing could touch State Farm.

Hello all, Noob here to the site.. I have to agree with ^^^^^^. NOTHING could or can touch State Farm. $44/Mo. for Busa, $33/Mo. for Ninja.

Oh, Also have the house, truck, and car. And i'm single.
I was reading how everyone was gushing over State Farm's rates. I called them this morning. I'm 38 with perfect credit, no accidents ever, no citations in the past 20+ years....$245.83 PER MONTH FOR FULL COVERAGE. I laughed at the lady, thanked her for her time and promptly hung up.
I know this is a old post but I was looking into insurance prior to buying, broke down like this.
29 married progressive auto 1 wreck 1 speeding
99 busa 450/yr
02 busa 600/yr
06 busa 1200/yr
08 busa 1800/yr

all with full coverage $500 ded. I get the 08 with the body change. But why would 3 different years that are basically the same bike be so different in price.

dumb insurance, needless to say I found a 99. Needs some tlc but I got a good deal on it for what they are going for in the Pittsburgh area.
I just called state farm for a quote on a 2006 hayabusa I'm planning to buy. I'm 28 married, no tickets or accidents, Have had 2 cars with them for the last 5 years or so.

Quoted me
$850 a year with $500 deductible
$665 a year with $1000 deductible.
i got my policy from dairyland for 750ish on my 06 busa no collision just comp(250$ deductible) and 100/300 limits and 100/300 on uninsured motorist

i have a not at fault accident in 07 where i was rearended and it totaled my new harley and me...and i had a ticket in 05(pretty sure thats off by now)