Am I missing something here???
This is not a case of someone driving down the road and some moron pulls out in front of you...... From the first post on this subject, you was out fuggin around and got slapped down HARD...
Maybe I am a minority here, BUT, that is NOT what insurance is for....
To anyone wishing to flame me on this one, before you do so, first take a second to retrieve your handy insurance premium, take a look at that rate, and think about the direction that number is going and who is REALLY paying for that fateful afternoon that started this thread.....ok, now proceed.....
I am glad that you did not get seriously hurt in your crash. I also think you are very lucky that the insurance company is even doing what they have done so far. It is quite unfair for you to paint the picture that insurance company is being deceptive here, as I highly doubt that you were straight up with them as to what truly happened, you probably did not get any law enforcement agency to investigate, or if you did were probably not straight up with them, unless you forgot to post here about all the tickets that event generated.
In your own post you wrote that this is the second bike you have totaled out a Busa, does that not tell you anything???
This is not meant as a personal slam on you at all, you are probably a very nice guy, I am just getting tired of paying for other people not living up to their own responsibilities.
ok, I am off my soap box now.....