Interested in Busa

I am 6'4" 180 lbs with all my gear on, and my busa is too slow for me
I came to the hayabusa from a honda VTX 1800. I won't try to tell you that a busa would be a bad first bike for you, but if you have never even sat on a bike before, you may seriously want to consider something more manageable. With no experience ever, i would think it would just be WAY too tempting to twist that throttle. My VTX weighed in at about 800 lbs wet, and had about 90 hp. The busa weighs almost half that, and has almost twice the power, and let me tell you, I could get myself into plenty of trouble with excessive speeds on that if i would have been so inclined. The busa is a whole different world though, as far as that goes.

As for the insurance question: I'm only guessing here, but I think you'll be WISHING your insurance for a year was only 4200 bucks for a busa. They don't base that so much on the damage you could or would do to the bike (or another vehicle) in the case of an accident, but the damage you could do to yourself. That tends to me a LOT more expensive than fixing a bike...

As for the MSF course: You probably want to get signed up for one of those soon, because they tend to fill up fast in a lot of areas. The MSF class will give you a lot of good training on the basic operation of a bike. There are two different classes you can take, the Basic Rider Course, which covers all the fundamentals of riding, such as stopping, rolling on the throttle, turning, emergency lane change, inspecting your bike, learning how to keep yourself safe from cagers, etc. Then, there's the Expert Rider Course. That takes the things learned in the BRC and expands on them, essentially. They recommend you have a couple year's riding experience before you take that. Also, you'll take the BRC on bikes that they provide, and then take the ERC on your own bike.

Hope that helps outline some basic info for you. Welcome to the forum!
You shoud buy something smaller (750 or so) also shoud be used in case you go down. Work your way up later. No mater what you buy, take it easy, Good luck!!
buy what you is your life and money. Just remember we TOLD YA SO when you go down.
Go busa! Your gunna get one in a year or so anyways just ride with care.
I'm 5'6 and 120 pounds and my first bike was a busa,never rode before but I ride with caution. And that's 2 years ago and my baby still pleases me like no other bike can
Welcome! My buddy is about you height but he's about 390 or so and the bike fits him great! I do however agree with the other folks on the board....'Busa+beginnner=road rash! Grab a gixer 750 and move up to the legend!
My 11 Busa is my first bike and I'm 5'6 110lbs. However I used to ride dirt bikes so I guess in a way I have "some" experience.
Being 320 shouldn't be a problem on a busa. Caught this guy on the interstate just the other day !

Wow... poor busa. It looks as it his rear end is alkost swallowing the hump...

Sent from my rooted HTC EVO 4G using Tapatalk.
Dear Virko

please please start on a smaller bike, at 19 and wanted to buy one of the fastest bikes on the planet. without considerable training you'll end in your local morgue.

i would not want that, in the uk you have to be 21 to ride such a bike and go through rigourous training,

start biking slowly and build up.:please:

No one seems to realize this thread question was asked more than 3 years ago.

He's probably been sitting at home for the last 3yrs patiently staring at his monitor:whistle: waiting for our wise advise before he commits to a purchase ! :laugh: