Interesting article about HP and top speed limits

I don't know about the rest of you, but hearing about government nanny tactics like those mentioned in the article make me **** mad. Who are they to dictate what is "socially acceptable". I say let the market place determine the product. If people will buy rockets that go 200+ mph, then let companies build them. If people abuse them, then punish the individual.
I think the motorcyle companies want the control otherwise it would be a never ending task. More horsepower, more speed and trying
to keep the price reasonable. These are all tough things to do for around 12000. When you look at units sold over all its not worth it to to spend millions on research and sell 1500 units or so in the u.s. for only 12,000 or so. After market will be our savior, I hope. You know when you think about it, who can blame them...............

[This message has been edited by VegasDude (edited 22 February 2000).]