Introducing Mrs Jet Li and her new toy!!

Is that thing big enough to carry a Pecan Pie? Man does have to have his priorities straight and your wife makes the best Pecan Pie!:thumbsup:
That is a very cool car...the color is a nice one. There are a bunch of extra goodies for the suspension and engine...check out a lotus forum or a club in your area those guys stick together + enjoy track days. Have fun.
Dibs on a ride!!!

Those little cars are great, remember the lil green one that was at the spring bash? Im sure she'll driving much more enthusasticly than that one was:whistle:
Hey Tom are you thinking of entering that in the Spring Creeper Nationals?:rofl:

Cool ride and tell the Mrs. We are looking forward to meeting her.
Love the color! Does it have the sport pack on it? I think that is what the suspension/supercharger upgrade package is?

Just googled....Its just the S. So, is it the S? lol
Is that thing big enough to carry a Pecan Pie? Man does have to have his priorities straight and your wife makes the best Pecan Pie!:thumbsup:

The storage bin is just big enough for one!! I think she owes ya two by my count.....