Tons of great advice here and believe it or not, we don't deter anyone from riding the Busa as a first bike because we feel you need some "right of passage"'s because we don't want to hear about you going down, or worse, you buy a Busa and we never hear from you again...
Safety first...
MSF info was covered...I took it years ago after trying to teach myself on a Harley, and after crashing that, realized just how little I know...the MSF course helps you learn the controls and by the end of the course, you've pushed that bike around and man-handled it so much, you either feel confident that you can do this or you may find you don't like it at all...
After the MSF course, I played on an old dirt bike...seriously, the controls are the same and it helped to learn shifting, braking, using a clutch...if you can get your hands on one, it wouldn't hurt...
And there's nothing wrong with the smaller bikes at all...coworker of mine is maybe 6'1" and tools around on a 250 Kawasaki...he loves it, though I do tease him when my Busa is parked next to him
Best of luck in whatever you your age, insurance costs are going to be a huge factor in what you can do, but it can be done...just have fun and invest in gear...
Stick around; love having you here...